Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Chase topped over the hill and scanned the darkness for Leah and Yancy but they were not where he had left them. Chase felt his heart fall into his feet and desperation tear at his soul.

His mood only darkened further when the raindrops began to pour from the heavens as if someone had burst a dam in a raging river. Because of the dark and the rain he would be lucky if he could track Yancy to get his wife back.

Chance rode over the hill as well with Paul beside him and they looked at Chase. The tall Indian was sitting as still as stone in the saddle of that big black horse as the rain quickly soaked his clothing and hair, plastering both to him. His hat had fallen off in his mad dash from the house and Chance tried to hand it to him but Chase acted as if he didn't notice anyone else was there.

His face was pale in the moonlight and his eyes flashed with a strange mix of sadness and anger.

"Where the hell is my daughter?!" Paul demanded.

"Where is Tig?" Chase growled, his voice barely more than a whisper. Suddenly Chance realized that the strange man was no longer with them. He looked over the plains and saw his shadow moving under the moonlight.

"There." he stated, pointing at the bobbing figure in the distance. Paul pulled his rifle from the saddle holster and Chase growled and jerked it from his hands.

"I want him alive." he hissed as he tossed the gun aside and then without another word he set off after Tig.

Chase knew that Tig's brown mare was no match for Blaze in speed or endurance. As Tig's retreating back got closer and closer Chase thought about the giant mistake he had made. What was wrong with him? To be taking such risks and trusting others? All his life he had trusted no one and it had served him well. Putting his trust in Yancy and Tig had clearly been a mistake and one that might just cost Chase everything that he cared about.

If he lost Leah..... He shook his head and hardened his heart against the thought. Now was not the time to think, now was the time to act and get her back. Chase pulled his own rifle from his saddle holster and held it by the barrel. He came up alongside Tig and released his hold on Blaze's reins.

Tig glanced over at him with panic and his scared eyes widened just before Chase brought the butt of the rifle across his head and sent the skinny man flying from his saddle and down onto the muddy ground.

Chase grabbed Blazes reins and drew back on them bringing the stallion to a quick stop before jumping off and making his way slowly toward Tig. He barely noticed Paul and Chance riding up as he stood over the other man.

"My heads a poundin!" Tig complained loudly as he twisted back and forth on the ground and covered his bloody and mud covered blond hair with his hands.

"Where has Yancy taken Leah?" Chase growled, staring down at the loathsome man at his feet. His hair fell over his face and he could feel the rain gathering on his face and dripping from his nose and chin.

"You hit me so hard I can't remember, nope I can't!" Tig said with a high pitched laugh as he propped himself up on his elbows and looked up at Chase. Chase felt rage coiling in his stomach. It was like a living creature, hot and twisting inside of him. Never had he been this angry. Never had he felt this out of control and helpless.

His rage took over and he swung out and caught Tig hard in the jaw sending the man sprawling on his back. Tig looked up at him from the ground and smiled through his bloody teeth. That smile sent Chase even further over the edge. He crouched over Tigs body and yanked the man up by his shirt so he could look him in the eye.

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