Chapter 1: Nostalgia

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'But here is the truth of nostalgia; we don't feel it for who we were or who we weren't. We feel it for all the possibilities that were open to us but that we didn't take.'


The slow steps of the boy walking down the street were faint. As he walked past the houses on the deserted street, it was clear that his mind was elsewhere. The wind blew, making his dark brown hair swift with it. His blue eyes were staring up at the gray sky as he made his way towards school.

Kyan halted at the park which was a few blocks away from his house. This was the first day of his senior year, yet he didn't feel any excitement. He glanced at the swing set inside the park and a smile made its way to his face as he remembered all the days he spent with his best friend, playing there years ago.

His best friend Avery was the amazing girl he met when he first moved into the town. Her warm smile and how her brown eyes would lighten up with mischief whenever they planned to prank their parents and friends, were things he could never forget. Not that he wanted to. They were best friends since they were six years old and they always will be.

Kyan looked away from the park and continued walking, inserting his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. His mind was filled with Avery's thoughts and his heart clenched painfully with the memories of their last days together. She had always been with him through all the difficult situations he faced, and he did the same for her. Kyan looked up again at the grey sky - which was darkening with a promise of rain to come - as his mind drifted off to the past.


The phone rang loudly in the room and Kyan put down the controller of his Xbox before rushing to pick up the phone with a hammering heart. He had been anticipating this call.

"Ave," Kyan picked up without looking at the caller ID and sat on his bed near the window.

"I'm coming over now okay?" she answered in a rush and ended the call before he could say anything.

Kyan laid down on his bed, stressing about what she'd tell him. He knew it wouldn't take her much time to reach him. They were neighbors and there was a loose plank in the fence separating their houses, which they had used since they were little to get to each other's houses. After two minutes, there was a light knock on his door. She walked inside and sat on his bed, sighing. The frustration was obvious on her face. Kyan sat up and moved to sit beside her.

"Tell me," he said, bracing himself even though he already knew what the answer would be. There was a sinking feeling in his stomach.

"It's final. We're moving. There was nothing I could do to convince them to let me stay here," her voice was hoarse, a telltale sign that the tears bundled in her eyes would start falling any minute now.

"Did you tell them you could stay with us 'til we graduate? We have a spare bedroom and we all know my parents would love to have you here," Kyan said hopefully, squeezing her hand.

"You think I didn't try that? I told them I could stay with you, there's only senior year left. I would graduate and move out to go to college even if I stay with them but do you think they would agree? I even made the lamest excuses I could think of but you know my father. He's as stubborn as a rock," she stood, throwing up her hands. "I don't wanna leave you. I don't wanna move to a new place. How can I handle it if you're not there with me? I can't do this," her voice finally broke with the last sentence and when he stood up, she buried her face in his chest, muffling her crying.

Kyan hugged her closer and mumbled soothing words into her hair in an attempt to calm her down. He had to remain calm for her to calm down. But in reality, he felt like his heart was breaking in two. They had been together since they were six; how could anyone expect either of them to function without the other? Besides, there was no denying that his feelings toward her weren't platonic. He was in love with her. It started as a crush, but eventually that feeling grew and he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with her with each passing day.

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