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'M---mum,' tiny fingers touched Tessa's mouth investigatively.

'Yes darling,' Tessa smiled. 'I'm mummy, and who's this?' Tessa pointed to a photo of Brad on Daniel's table.

'Da,' Daniel pulled the frame and kissed it. 'Da,' he repeated, looking over his shoulder at the doorway, expecting his daddy to be there.

'You are such a clever boy,' Tessa scooped Daniel into her arms. 'That's daddy,' Tessa laughed.

'Da---,' Daniel repeated.

'Aww you miss your daddy, do you? Tessa kissed his plump rosy cheek. 'Let's see if we can speak to daddy okay,' Tessa dialled Brad from her mobile.

'Hi Tessa,' Brad answered on the first ring.

'Hi darling, can you speak?'

'Sure, what's up?'

'Somebody is missing you,' Tessa hinted. She had not gone into the office today. Daniel was teething again and was not a happy chappie at all. 'Hold on please darling.'

'Daniel, say "hi" to daddy. Tessa switched the loud speaker on.

Daniel grabbed the phone and it went straight to his mouth.

'No my angel. It's not to eat. Speak to daddy. Say "hi."

'Da?' Daniel spoke and looked at the phone curiously. 'Da?'

Tessa could hear Brad's soothing voice. She placed the mobile next to Daniel's ear.

'Da,' he repeated, clapping his hands. He threw the mobile down, and wobbled towards the doorway.

'Hey darling, you going to be long?' Tessa ran after Daniel

'I'm actually done, should be home in twenty,' Tessa could hear from Brad's voice, he was tired.

'Are you driving?' Tessa asked with concern, as she lifted Daniel into her arms.

'No, the limo's bringing me home.'

'I love you,' Tessa murmured. 'See you just now.'

'Ov---you,' Daniel repeated.

'Did you hear that Brad?'

Tessa could hear Brad's delighted laughter. 'I did. I'm getting into the limo. See you guys just now.'

'Daddy will be home just now,' Tessa playfully threw Daniel up into the air, to gurgles of laughter from the little one. 'I love you Daniel,' Tessa smiled adoringly.

'Ov me too,' Daniel answered.

Tessa laughed, you mean, you love me too.

'Joo mum. Joo,'

'Okay, you have some juice, whilst mummy calls grandma,' Tessa handed Daniel a bottle of fruit juice as she dialled her mom.

'Tessa, hi darling,' Charlotte's smile radiated over the line.

'Hi mummy. How are you? How's daddy?'

'We're fine darling.'

'Mummy are you and dad coming to Daniel's birthday party next weekend?'

'I can't believe he's a year already. Yes off course we will be there.'

Tessa was about to respond, when Brad breezed in with Lyndon hanging on his shoulders.

'Come early mummy, so we can spend some time together,' Tessa urged.

'Da,' Daniel's eyes lit up when Brad walked in.

Brad lowered Lyndon to the floor. 'Hi my tiger,' Brad lifted Daniel out of Tessa's arms. 'And how was your day?' Brad asked Daniel.

'Din---Din,' Daniel pointed to his brother.

THE Media Baron's Heiress (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now