Teaching the Young Grasshopper

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Usopp grinned triumphant, standing majestically like a powerful ruler as Luffy and Chopper grovelled on the ground below him, declaring him to be a Prank God.

"No one can beat you, Usopp-sama!" shouted Chopper with tears and stars oozing shamelessly from his eyes.

"Yeah! You're the best prankster ever!" added Luffy who was dripping from head to toe with dirty pond water thanks to one of Usopp's pranks. It was a good thing he listened to Nami and brought an extra pair of clothing. But the main concern was the God who stood proud before him.

It was a game all 3 of them played. All Usopp's idea. The long nose even insisted that they play 2 against one to see who could succeed with the most pranks. So far, Luffy and Chopper were able to prank him 3 times, while on the other hand, he pranked them 30.

They wandered far away from the group. Everyone planned to meet up for a picnic in the biggest park in town but the 3 of them had been away for nearly 4 hours.

Luffy gulped. He knew that Nami would be pissed and would probably bury him the minute she sees him but he needed answers.

He stood tall with his back straight and hands firm at his side. "How do you do that?" he asked.

"Hmmm? What was that?" Usopp cocked his ear with a too smug grin.

"How do you do that, Usopp-sama? What's your secret?"

Chopper stood soon after nodding profusely. He too wanted to know.

"Do you really want to know?" said Usopp.

Both his loser friends nodded almost in sync, holding their breaths in anticipation.

Wind blew and played with their hair and upon the moment it seized, Usopp hopped off his throne and threw an arm over Luffy's shoulders, grinning like the champion he was.

"I can teach you but you'll never be as good as me. You okay with that?"

"That's fine."

Usopp knew a damsel in distress when he saw one. He could not blame his captain. The chap just hated losing. This factor made him a promising student.

"Tip #1," Usopp declared showing a single finger pointed up, high above his head. "Is the element of surprise. You got that?"


"Tip #2 is that you must be able to establish and muster up your best poker face. We must remember that pranks are just little playful lies- A lie so believable, so crafty, the receiver would have never seen it coming and would have no choice but to fall for it."

His disciples were intent listeners which was impressive. If they had notebooks accompanied with pens, he'll be sure that they would be jotting down each tip word for word. But he was worried about one student in particular.


Upon being called on, the captain stood up.



"Just do it. Lie about anything."

"Oh okay." Luffy gave it some thought. "I can't think of anything..."

Usopp decided to give him some help. "What about the shirt you're wearing? Lie about the colour."

Luffy cast his eyes on his red button-up. "... My shirt is blue."


Luffy grinned. Never thought it would be so easy.

"Now try again. Try pranking me."

Husband Pranks WifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon