The I'm-moving-out Prank

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The idiot trio were seated around the table with concentration burning on their faces. Luffy hadn't come up with any good ones. All he suggested were shot down and deemed cheap with not enough punch.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing the archaeologist of the group. Sensing the odd tension, she said, "Captain-san, is this a bad time? Should I come back later?"

She was supposed to collect the report from the main office concerning their next mission. All jokes aside, he hadn't forgotten his position.

"No. You can bring the report, Robin. Thanks."

Robin smiled and after handing over the file, she checked her bag and handed Chopper a huge candy she bought on her way to work that morning.

She chuckled watching the young doctor's eyes turn wide like saucers with his mouth drooling. He grabbed at it, said a thank you and savoured each bite.

Chopper had a major sweet tooth and Robin had a soft spot for him and loved spoiling him whenever she got the chance.

"Is everything here, Robin?" Luffy asked skimming through the papers.

"Yes captain. I can help you with them in more detail tomorrow like I always do if you like."

"That'll help. Thanks."

Just then, Usopp had a great idea.



"Do you remember that time at the picnic when Luffy, Chopper and I snuck off to prank each other?"

"I do. You disappeared for hours."

"Great. Well Luffy wants to get better at it, and he's been practicing with Nami."

"I see."

"My question is if you can come up with any good pranks he could pull. We're at a dead-end."

Robin held her chin in thought. They needed her help and the least she could do was to do so as best as she could.

"I got it."

Usopp perked. "Let's hear it."

"Luffy could get some ketchup or some other red substance and pretend that he was murdered by some gruesome person seeking revenge... What do you think?"

Chills ran up and down Usopp's and Chopper's backs. Usopp should have known better than to ask Robin. He had a hunch that she was the type to keep skeletons under her bed. Robin was spineless when it came to topics of death.

"That's too dirty, Robin!" Luffy said, "Like that'll ever happen. I'm strong remember?"

"Okay. How about-?"

She stopped when both Usopp's hands were placed on her shoulders. He laughed nervously. "Good work today, Robin," He moved her towards the door. "Thanks for your help. Have a good weekend, okay?"

"What about the-?"

"Don't worry about that. Because of you, I've come up with something good."

"That's good then. Bye everyone." Robin waved and took her leave. She liked helping. It gave her reason.

When the door closed, Usopp breathed a sigh of relief. Now that was taken care of, they could now proceed to the plan.

"Luffy, do you miss your old place?"

"Not really but I do sometimes."

Usopp grinned thinking himself to be a pranking genius. He returned to his seat loving the attention he was receiving.

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