The I-don't-want-kids Prank

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Today was unusually special.

When the sun busied itself making its journey into the sky to symbolize yet another day, Luffy broke away from sleep. As his eyes came into focus, they widened with a start. Just a few inches away was his wife, wide awake, lying down on her side, watching him with a sample of one of her prettiest smiles.

When she invited herself in, he had no idea but his first emotional response was that of elation.

Not wasting anymore time, he snaked an arm around her encouraging her to come closer- which she did. With their arms around each other and legs interlaced, they made conversation in the form of exchanged kisses and sweet words, trying their hardest to make each other smile and laugh.

Somewhere along the line, Nami announced that she made his favourite tea and sure enough, the air was filled with citrusy goodness. But with both of them being stubborn to boot, it grew cold. Forgotten.

They had a whole day of activity ahead of them and Nami was in a good mood. Unfortunately, it was the day he planned on carrying out the next prank. It wasn't going to end well but it was worth a shot.

Prank #5: The I-don't-want-kids Prank

On the days he wasn't working for the government, Issho was occupied with his second job and hobby: being a taxi driver.

He loved the job. It was a great escape from the gross evil in the world today. He was most at peace behind the wheel catering to clients whether male, female, fat, skinny, short or tall, he didn't know. Didn't have to. His job was to take them to whatever destination they needed to be. A simple job, really.

For his present assignment, he was called for a pick-up outside a famous local ice rink. The time was long after noon and by the sounds of the pitter-patter on the car's roof and windows, it was raining not too heavy but not too light. Kind of like the impatient drumming of one's fingers.

Suddenly, there came scrambling of feet and the sound of laughter. His clients had arrived.

"I can tell that you guys had a good time," Issho said, smiling to himself. He liked picking up couples. They told the best stories.

"Yes. We did," Nami said, eyes not leaving her husband's and after giving the details for their next stop, she surprised Luffy with a quick, fleeting kiss to the lips and knowing Luffy, it didn't stop there.

As much as Issho loved the rain, it didn't help drown out the smacking of lips. It made him uncomfortable, embarrassed even and it was days like this he was thankful that the vehicle had a built in partition. It didn't drown out all sounds completely but it did the job.

Nami stared out the window with her head leaning an open palm listening to the car wheels skating through wet streets and the back and forth rhythmic movement of the window wipers. The downpour increased and she breathed a sigh. She knew that it was going to rain today but she was glad that she made the effort and stuck with the day's plan.

On the other hand, Luffy stared down at their clasped hands appearing to be in deep thought. Now was a great time to initiate the plan. Two months had passed since he attempted to move out and today, at this moment, he wanted to try his luck. Nodding to himself, he began:

"Thanks for coming with me, Nami."

He had asked her to ever since he saw the place being set up and he was happy that she agreed.

Nami turned and flashed a grin. "No problem. I had fun."

Neither of them knew how to skate. Nami, being a fast learner, caught on easily but Luffy just had to fall 15 times flat on his face first before gaining balance. Nami laughed every time but celebrated once he finally did it. She remembered his smug face as if acquiring a pass to be one of the cool kids.

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