The Pranking Legend

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Have you ever had that nagging feeling that something was wrong? Well, our favourite sharpshooter was in this very predicament.

All week, the seat next to the captain's remained empty and strange enough, no one questioned it. Although Nami didn't make it to the office everyday, to be missing all week was so unlike her. He played it off as her being sick but in addition to that, there was something else; A bad vibe in the air which was suffocating. Then again, no one talked about it and Usopp played along thinking that it was all in his head.

However, on the last day of work week when everyone was about to bid their farewells, Luffy called him out saying that he had to discuss a matter with him alone. All turned to him with pity in their eyes and Usopp knew that something was wrong. Was really sure this time.

The meeting place was at the very back of Monkey D. Corps. The sun had already begun its decent and the air grew still.

Usopp met his captain leaning against the wall; eyes observing the gallant sunset. But when it was time to face him, Usopp's smile disappeared. The jolly greeting he planned on saying was forgotten.

"Luffy... Is everything okay?"


Usopp gulped. Was never a fan of bad news.

"Is it about Nami?"

As soon as his wife name was mentioned, Luffy turned away and covered his eyes, heaving a sob. Usopp's stomach knotted at the sight of fallen tears.

Luffy felt a hand on his shoulder but quickly shook it off. The message was clear: He didn't want the sniper's comfort. Usopp was not going to lie; It hurt.

"It's over."

"What's over?"

"Our marriage. Nami wants a divorce."

"But why?"

Usopp's eyes were wide open. What he was hearing was the unthinkable. Where was all this coming from?

Luffy turned and had appeared to manage to sieze the waterworks. Previous tears were smeared across his face and his eyes were red from what appeared to be from a lack of sleep. Usopp had never seen his captain so stressed.

"It was those pranks."

Usopp gasped and his body quivered but continued listening to what had to be said.

"Even though she asked me to stop countless times, I couldn't. I took advantage of her and one day she said that she didn't think that she could trust me anymore and took her stuff and left... I didn't understand. Weren't pranks just all about having fun, Usopp?"

Usopp did not know what to say. He turned his captain into a monster; He ruined his life.

"Is she serious?" Usopp didn't regret his choice of words until he saw his captain frown. He didn't plan on getting on his bad side. "Don't answer that... Look, Luffy. I can't help but feel responsible for all this."

"It's not your fault. It's mine for listening to you in the first place."

Usopp rubbed the back of his neck. "Where's Nami now?"

"Why does it matter?"

"I want to apologize. Maybe together we can change her mind."

"I've apologized to her so many times now and haven't had any luck. What makes you think that you have a chance?"

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