The I-cheated Prank (GONE WRONG)

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In a certain beauty supplies store, Usopp headed straight to the perfume section. Lucky for him, he did not see the looks some of the female customers were sending his way. Some looked on with little smiles and giggles thinking that he was buying a special gift for a special girl in his life. Unfortunately, all those assumptions were dead wrong.

Not only was Usopp's nose uniquely shaped, he also had a great sense of smell. After coming across the winning fragrance, he flipped it around to check the price tag and was floored by the price. $289.50 for a small, dainty bottle of perfume. Unbelievable.

He replaced it with care, realizing his mistake. Should have listened to his gut and go to a cheap department store instead. Usopp took pride in going the extra mile but not when it could cost him a whole arm and leg.

"There's samples of that in the back. If you like, I can get you one."

Usopp's skin crawled and he turned around to come face to face with the store assistant who stood too close for comfort. How long she stood there for was unknown. Brown eyes, with light green hair and skin as white as snow, she was. Her name tag gave way to her identity. Monet was her name.

Sensing his surprise, she smirked and licked her lips. There was nothing she liked more than getting a man excited.


"Hai. One sample would do. Thanks."

Monet stayed in place, smile still present and Usopp sweated bullets.

"Could you not stand so close, please. I have someone I like."

"Oh. That's too bad. Can I help you with anything else?"

"Some lipstick, preferably red."

"I have the perfect colour. Follow me."

Monet led Usopp to the lipstick section and he sweat-dropped at the numbers. Who knew that there were so many variations of one colour? No wonder women were so complicated. He pitied them.

When handed the mentioned 'perfect colour' Usopp had to clamp a hand over his mouth to prevent himself from screaming. The simple container which weighed less than an ounce was a whopping $86.93.

"Would you like a sample of this product as well?"

"Y-Yes please."

"What's all this?" Luffy inspected the items Usopp dumped on the office table.

As usual, their shenanigans were done after work. It was just the two of them today. Chopper left early for his shift at the local hospital.

On display were various lipsticks, eye-shadows, fragrances and the like. The store carried samples for almost every item sold and Usopp took advantage. The levels of lead in beauty products was appalling and Usopp wondered how women were being tricked into buying them. Nevertheless, the leftovers would be used in upcoming experiments he had planned.

"Are we playing dress up?"


Luffy noticed a particular colour and picked it out of the bunch. Usopp's eyes followed. It had an orange-red pigment.

"Nami has this same exact colour."

Usopp wasn't the only one who appreciated the convenience of free samples.

"... That means that we can't use that one." He chose a lighter shade. It was pink with a hint of peach. "Perfect. Luffy, my boy. Are you ready for Prank #2?"

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