The day Levi Ackerman died

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"Thank you, Jeremy." Eren rolled himself out of the way so that the bus driver cold fold up the wheelchair ramp. "Don't mention it." The driver climbed back in behind the wheel and gave Eren a wave before heading off to his next stop.

The sun fell on him when the bus moved out of the way. It was a beautiful, fresh morning and Eren was glad to be out. He looked at his watch. 09h17. He wasn't supposed to meet Levi at the restaurant until 09h30 for breakfast.

Eren started wheeling himself down the sidewalk towards the arranged meeting place with a smile. "Freshly picked flowers! One for a fiver, the best deal in the city!" Eren looked at the aged woman that was selling her flowers with a smile and considered getting a flower for Levi. He shook his head; that was too cheesy.

He hadn't seen Levi in seven years, but he had heard of him a few times. Apparently he was a full-time writer now. When Eren had heard, he made sure to go buy one of his books the next day. It was a decent story and it got Eren hooked. He had read both of Levi's books and was looking forwards to the next one.

He had considered contacting Levi, but didn't want to be that weird old high school friend that only hits you up because your famous now. He had decided to leave it until Instagram suggested Levi as one of the people Eren might know. He pressed the follow request button and almost immediately got accepted. He received a request from Levi and accepted it as well.

They didn't talk that day, but Eren did go through some of Levi's older photos. He still looked the way he did the last time he had seen him, just a bit more mature. From his pictured and captions, Eren deducted that Levi was still the same person he had been back then.

It had just been the wrong time for them back then. That had always been Eren's feelings over the matter. They had occasionally talked at school though the years, but it wasn't until their final year that they really stated to get to know each other. The drama kids were doing a play to raise funds for better equipment and they had asked Eren to play a role in it.

Levi was the stage director since he had helped the drama teacher write the script and spent a lot of time backstage with Eren. It was difficult for him to get backstage, since there were narrow steps leading up to it, so he mainly stayed there while the other kids went to the dressing room. They kept each other company and Levi helped Eren change shirts for different scenes.

After rehearsals, Eren an Levi would walk home in the same direction and turn off in their separate directions a block from Eren's house. When they were nearing the opening night, Levi started going home with Eren and hanging out with him more. Eren's mom loved Levi and told Eren to invite him over for dinner from time to time.

There even was a day where they kissed. Eren and Levi had went for a walk around the park on a Saturday afternoon. "Why don't we go to Second Cup for milkshakes?" Eren had suggested. "I don't want to walk that far..." Levi had answered while looking around for a bench to sit on. "Then don't." Eren had held out his hand for Levi's and pulled him down onto his lap when he had given it to him. "I could get used to this," He remembered Levi saying in a teasing manner as they neared the restaurant. "It has its perks," Eren had agreed.

"You don't have to get off," Eren had said when Levi had moved to stand up. "What would I do here if I stayed?" Levi had asked while shifting to face Eren as much as he could. "I don't know..." Eren had answered as Levi gently touched his cheek. They had both been leaning in while Levi had said 'I don't know either...' before they kissed.

He could still remember the strawberry milkshake flavor that had lingered on his lips after they had said goodnight.

But they had been nearing the end of their last school year and their brief romance came to a stop when they headed off to different universities. Eren studies computer sciences and worked from home the last few years. Levi was never too certain about what he had wanted to do, but Eren wasn't surprised that he had turned out as a writer.

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