Reaching out to Yesterday

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Eren felt like he was in the really lame part of a superhero movie where the hero with his new powers tries to figure out what exactly it is he could do without anyone finding out. More specifically, he felt like Spiderman, because he was making every funny hand gesture he could think of to try and have the same thing happen again.

He was laying in bed when he first started trying to figure it out, deciding for one moment that it wasn't a dream, and might have succeeded, but realized that he had absolutely no way of knowing if he had actually managed to rewind time or not, because there wasn't anything that had changed in his room in the last few minutes.

Once the daily struggle of getting out of bed was over, Eren rolled himself to the bathroom. He moved himself into a more simplistic wheelchair with the help of the various bars attached to the bathroom walls and then rolled himself into the shower. He used the loose shower head to clean himself while running through the memories of the day before.

First he thought about his meeting with Levi and everything that had really happened. It felt concrete, as if he could confirm that it had definitely happened. He then thought about the other memory, of Levi being pushed into the road, and it also felt concrete, as if he really did experience it. However, it was different. It was as if he knew that it wasn't the event that took place. He was aware of it as if it was the word he knew was written under the correction tape.

To test his theory, he made up a scenario, one where he was sitting in the restaurant and saw Levi driving up with his own car. While thinking about it, he could feel it wasn't real. It was like some sort of instinct telling him what was real and what wasn't.

He looked at his hands. Which one had he done it with? as it really him that had done it?

He turned the water off and opened the door to reach for his towel. He dried himself off the best he could before putting the towel on his usual wheelchair and moving himself onto it. With great effort, Eren moved himself around to get what he couldn't reach dry before wheeling the other wheelchair back into the shower so that it could dry in there.

With his sleepwear in the laundry basket, Eren had to go back to his room to get dressed. He found a shirt and a sweater to pull on and then looked for sweatpants. He had to put each foot through the leg holes of both his underwear and his pants at the same time and then pulled both items up to his knees.

Then he used one hand to lift his thigh and pull the pants up as high as he could and then did it with the other leg. He did his a few times until his pants was under his hips. He rolled himself up against his bed and put the brakes on to keep his wheelchair still. He leaned forwards and used the footer of the bed to pull himself further. Supporting himself on his elbow, he pulled his clothes on the rest of the way.

He pulled the towel off of the seat before sitting down again. He lifted up each leg and worked his socks and shoes on before seating himself properly and taking the towel back to the bathroom. He was glad that there was so much that he could do for himself and it was thanks to how low the injury on his back had been. He could feel and move his whole torso, down to his hips, which allows him to move around a lot more than other people in similar situations.

Finally, he was ready to head out. He decided to head to the nearby park while thinking things through. He did have proof that it was really happening, because he had experienced it happening twice. The first time it was in the middle of the day, when he was wide awake and paying attention, so he definitely hadn't been dreaming.

It wasn't a vision, that he established after the second time, because he could still almost feel the way he had hit his shoulder afterwards and he was sure that dreams or 'messages from the universe' wouldn't be so realistic, or so accurate.

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