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[Idiosyncrasy (Harry Potter)|http://my

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[Idiosyncrasy (Harry Potter)|]


There were some things in life that even magic couldn't heal and for Zakari Ollivander, being deaf was not something that he wanted to be 'healed' of anything. Never considered himself disabled, Zakari considered himself just to be slightly different growing up. He still enjoyed partaking in activities that other children his age were involved in, even if he had to find his own way to do them. It was a challenge sometime, but Zakari's biggest challenge yet would come to the young boy when he receives his acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Without knowing him, people were quick to pass their  judgment, believing the boy would struggle and calling it a waste of time trying to teach magic to a boy who couldn't hear and hardly spoke. However, Zakari sets himself out to prove that just because he was hard of hearing didn't mean he didn't have anything to say. It was everyone else  around him that needed to learn how to listen.


Sometimes we need a reality check. Because not everything can be solved by magic.

Magic cant solve everything. If it was then, why does Harry still have glasses? People have prejudices all around. Wizard or muggle alike.

Status: Completed


Written by kmbell92

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