Chapter 1 The Honeymoon's Over

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 Chapter 1 The Honeymoon's Over

The honeymoon was amazing, peaceful, and most of all, Quiet. Alec found an island that I don’t think even God himself knew about. White sand beaches, crystal clear blue water, beautiful trees and flowers, and not another single living person. It was relaxing and we got some much needed alone time together. Of course I think I spent the first 3 days in bed sleeping but hell we were here for a month. Alec took care of me pretty much the whole time we were there. He helped me learn control of my cravings, how to use my new vampire abilities, and even how to work them into my magic. We did do some training, he showed me how he trains his men and I showed him how I totally suck. In the first week we started training he kicked my ass every time because I wasn’t allowed to use my powers or my connections. It was a ‘just in case’ sort of thing, which was a good idea but still it hurt like hell because he didn’t go easy on me. I think being a vampire kinda sucks, I’m not as fragile and Alec isn’t as gentle. But at least he gives good body massages when he kicks my ass so I won’t complain too much. We also discovered that because me and Alec our bonded through blood he can tap into my powers and use them himself. So I also got to train him in how to control the elements, tap into my connections and see through the others eyes. It was kinda cool really. When it was time to leave I almost cried because I didn’t want to go. Here there was no drama, no monsters or demons trying to kidnap or kill me, no crazy sister but I did miss everyone and those babies. So when the boat arrived to get us I only whined a little. Apparently you can’t just zap to the island because Alec had his Mom put a spell around it so no one would ever find it. Come to find out it was where King Richard took Queen Calice on their honeymoon.

“Come on Morgan, we’ll come back soon I promise” Alec yelled from the boat.

I looked at the house that someone, Alec won’t tell me who, built. It wasn’t a mansion but it was nice, with a large master bedroom, a kitchen fit for a magazine, a living room and a bathroom with Jacuzzi tub, a huge shower with like 30 showerheads in the walls. I swear it felt like I was in one of those automatic car washes. It didn’t have electric so everything was candlelight, fireplaces and vamp vision. Which with my new vampire eyes I don’t really need lights to see just habit I guess. Whoever designed the place did a really good job. Turning away from the house I made my way to the dock where Alec stood waiting for me with a grin on his face. He pulled me into his arms kissing the top of my head.

“It’ll be fine, once we get home and you see everyone and see nothing bad is going to happen you’ll relax” Alec whispered. I just nodded. Something told me that when I got home it wasn’t going to be alright. That feeling that I normally get was pounding on the door like a madman and I was trying hard to keep him out.

When we finally got on the boat, Denis, the Captain of the boat yelled for Alec. I sat at the back just watching the island get smaller and smaller. I knew next time I saw this island it would be after a very long week. Honestly I hoped it wouldn’t be for a long time.

The boat ride back to the main land was a day trip and since we didn’t leave till almost 2 in the afternoon we were going to be sleeping on the boat. Alec was driving so Denis could sleep for a while. I sat in the cabin with him just staring off into space when I was jerked off my seat. My back was pressed to the wall, arms pinned above my head and a very sexy man smirked at me.

“You ass” I said looking Alec in the eyes while trying not to smile.

“Always be on guard princess”

“But we’re on a boat with just the 3 of us, I think I’m allowed to be in la-la land for a while” I said seeing him smile. He leaned down pressing his lips to mine, my feet being lifted off the floor so I could wrap my legs around his waist. Just as the kiss started to get heated someone cleared their throat.  Alec and I both turned to see Denise shaking his head at us.

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