Chapter 7 On a Mission

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Chapter 7 On a Mission

Alec was furious but Shawn stood his ground protecting me from the pissed off vampire. I couldn’t help but notice how Shawn looked a lot like Jace only he was bigger, his eyes purple instead of orange and I felt safe with Shawn. It didn’t really make sense how I could feel safe with someone I just met, a werewolf at that.  His body started to shake the hair seeming to dissolve, the bones reshaping until Shawn stood in front of me completely naked. His body was well defined, his ass nice and round that made my cheeks flush. I heard a deep, angry growl and my eyes snapped up to see Alec glaring at me. Quickly looking away I felt heat rise up my face at the thought of Alec seeing me checking out another guy’s ass. OOPS!

“I think it would do you best to leave mutt” Alec growled stepping closer to Shawn.

“Sorry but I’m not leaving until I know she is safe. And even though I can’t explain how I know, she’s scared, and to find her own mate causing it makes me angry” Shawn said his own anger making the hair on my arms stand up.

“And what are you going to do to stop me” Alec said disappearing and reappearing behind me. Shawn seemed to be expecting that because he jerked me off the bed putting me behind him. The sudden movement made my head spin.

“I’m tapped into her Prince so I feel what she feels, and through her I can feel you” Shawn smiled. I was so confused now that I wasn’t even trying to understand. My ass was staying out of this and hopefully we’d get out of here alive and maybe get back to what we were supposed to be doing which was finding Jules.

“What does that even mean” Alec snapped.

“It means you cannot hurt her” Shawn said simply.

“He’s right Alec” Ace said stepping into the room “She has connected with me as well and through her I have more power than ever. If you want to save your parents, Emery, then you need to think about what you are doing. What is really important right now” Ace said coming to stand by my side. His smile made me feel at ease and when he took my hand I felt a jolt that could only be described as amazing.

“It’s time to find Jules” I said looking from Ace to Alec. He looked to be in deep thought staring right at me. Without a word he turned and left the room.

“What is his problem” Shawn asked turning to me.

“I don’t know but I don’t have time to fix his problems when I have my own” I said shaking my head. Maybe someday we’ll be like the vision I saw but right now doesn’t seem to be that time.

“I know how we can help him though” I suddenly said thinking of what he said earlier.

“We’ll need more than 3 people if we’re going to get them back” Ace said smiling at me. It was the strangest thing that he knew what I was thinking but it also made things a lot easier.

“Who you got in mind” I asked with my own smile.

“Come with me” Ace said and started for the door. Somehow in the process of going to the door Ace disappeared and reappeared before I was even in the hallway. He was holding a pair of jeans that he handed to Shawn who quickly put them on. Ace lead us down the stairs, out the front door to where about 10 guys stood and all my friends. Jackie, Jace, Dom and Snake anyway the others weren’t there and Samantha was standing close to them as well. Now she was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a white tank top.

“Guys we are going into the underworld if you don’t want to because Alec isn’t in charge don’t but I need all the help I can get. We are going to get the King, Queen and Emery back so we can have our prince back” Ace said. Everyone nodded and I noticed they were a lot like army guys with straight shoulders, hands behind their backs, the black cargo pants and black leather vest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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