Chapter 6 I Love the Color Purple

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Chapter 6 I Love the Color Purple

My eyes were locked on the women lying naked on the ground in front of me. She looked just like the girl in the vision with her long white hair, blue eyes that were the same as her tiger. The door to the house flew open everyone running out probably because of the screaming. Jackie was looking between me and the girl, Jace was staring at me and most of the others were staring at the naked girl. Something smacked me in the face, the masculine smell of cologne filling my nose. I looked up to see Alec dangling his shirt in my face and my eyes travelled down his bare chest. Even though I didn’t like him I had to admit he was sexy as hell. Ripping the shirt out of his hand I looked back to the tiger.

“Samantha?” I asked seeing her smile while I held out the shirt to her.

“Yes but how did you know my name” she asked slipping the shirt over her head. She was tiny enough that Alec’s shirt covered all of her.

“I’m not sure, I don’t even know what just happened. I had a vision of you and another guy and when I told you to shift you did. You told me your name was Samantha” I explained seeing her smile only grow.

“Well I knew I could feel power from you it was a strong pull to you that I couldn’t understand but know I do” she said standing up as her body swayed. Alec and I both grabbed her before she could fall, our hands brushing against each other sending those damn sparks through me. It’s kind of hard to ignore someone when every touch makes you want to attack them with your lips. When I looked at Alec he was grinning, the jack ass.

“Guess I’m not used to being on two feet” Samantha said holding her head.

“What do you mean” I asked.

“My pack was wiped out a long time ago and the only way a female tiger can shift is by the command of her Alpha or another male of power. But you, you have so much power I felt such a strong pull that it was like you were my Alpha. I will forever be in your debt for this” she said wrapping her arms around me. Needless to say I was shocked beyond words. She sees me as her Alpha? She’ll be sorry because I can barely help myself right now let alone anyone else.

“Why don’t we take them all back to the palace so they can rest and get something to eat” Ace said from behind me. I turned to see him staring at Alec who was staring at me before nodding.

“But not the mutt” Alec said turning to Jace. I stepped away from Samantha moving over to Jace taking his hand.

“I’m not leaving him he’s helped me more than you have or would” I said seeing him glaring at me now.

“Fine” he huffed when the back yard disappeared and then we were all standing in a huge dining room with beautiful dark wood floors, a long mahogany table and a few men sitting around it. As soon as they saw us they jumped to their feet moving to stand by Alec. One guy was kind of intimidating with blonde hair, blue eyes and huge muscles, next to him was a guy with black hair, grey eyes and a lean body. The last guy was even scarier than the others with his black eyes, pale skin and long fangs. He was coming toward me just as his body was jerked backwards and slammed into the floor so hard it shook under my feet. Alec had the guy by the throat his face inches away.

“You ever think of touching my mate I will rip your heart out” Alec growled in the guy’s face. It shocked me that Alec was threatening this guy for thinking of touching me when he was trying to offer me up to the other vampire. As I looked around the room I noticed there were candles everywhere when I saw a shadow move across the wall in the shape of a person only there wasn’t anyone on that side of the room. Without thinking I started across the room toward the shadow as it moved toward the window and just before it went out the window it seemed to turn toward me. I stopped in my tracks staring at it.

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