Chapter 2 Not my World Anymore

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Chapter 2 Not my World Anymore

The bar was trashed, all the doors and windows were boarded up, all the tables were pushed against the wall by the door and the lights were off. The only thing lighting the place up was lots and lots of candles, lanterns and flashlights. The only other people in here were the ones standing around the bar, Jackie and the guy beside me. There were 4 guys and a girl that looked like bikers to me. The one guy was probably 5’10” with a beard, a black leather vest over a long sleeve black shirt with a slight beer belly and dark jeans that were almost black but not quite. The girl next to him was maybe 5’4” with a black t-shirt, black mini skirt and knee high boots. She had long bleach blonde hair, blue eyes and bright red lips. Beside her was a guy that looked about 18 or so with a black hoodie, dark glasses and black jeans. Then the other two were both wearing black leather coats, leather pants and boots but the one had red hair and the other had light brown hair.

“What the fuck” I yelled looking up at Jackie to see her staring at me. “What happened to my bar? What the hell is going on” I was starting to freak out now.

“Don’t you remember” Jackie asked.

“What’s the date” I asked looking into her face that was the same yet different.

“February 16th, 2013 why? Honey you are scaring me” Jackie said looking at me with concern written all over her face. February 16th that was a few days after Jules wedding and I wasn’t there. I know I yelled at her about it but I was planning on going, just driving because I was not getting on a plane.

“Morgan are you ok baby” the guy said like we were a couple but I’d never seen him before in my life. I’m sure I’d remember someone as cute as him and I’m sure I’d remember if I was dating him, I think.

“No” I finally said turning to Jackie. “I can’t remember anything after I got off the phone with Jules about her wedding. I remember yelling at her about it but I was going to go but I can’t remember anything after that” I said to Jackie seeing sadness fill her eyes.

“Honey you weren’t going to go. You and Jules got into a huge fight and you called her a selfish, gold digging bitch and hung up on her. A few days later a man showed up telling you she was kidnapped and then the world went to shit. Outside is crawling with vampires, werewolves, demons and things I never knew existed. We were here when the attack started and we’re probably the only ones left” Jackie said sadly. I stood there staring at her with my mouth hanging open when I started laughing. They were just messing with me. When no one laughed and only looked more worried my laughter quit and I was left gaping at all of them. This isn’t possible, it can’t be true. Vampires and werewolves aren’t real their made up creatures to entertain people.

“Um” I didn’t even know what to say. I may have hit my head but I think they’re the ones that lost their minds.

“We can prove it” the guy beside me said taking my hand pulling me into his arms “Just in case” he said before he crushed his lips to mine. Again that feeling of fear and anger washed over me as I stood frozen in this man’s arms. His lips were soft, warm and he tasted like vanilla but I couldn’t bring myself to kiss him back because I didn’t know him and how the hell was he going to prove this craziness to me. When he pulled away he ran his thumb over my cheek looking sad as he stepped back pulling his shirt off revealing a very nice chest. I watched as he started to strip the rest of his clothes which didn’t seem to bother him or anyone else around.

“What are you doing” I shrieked when he pulled his jeans off leaving only his boxers.

“Showing you” he said ripping his boxers off so he stood in front of me naked. I couldn’t stop my eyes from traveling up and down his body, my mouth open when I slapped my hand over my eyes when I saw him grinning. That was just weird and a little more than I needed right now. Suddenly I felt something hot on my face.

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