Chapter Three - Together Again

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"We're going out," Jacoby announced, startling Bailee out of her thoughts. 

"Why do I have to go?" She shot back, unsure of why he had decided that she needed to tag along. She really wanted to call her best friend Cara and tell her about what had happened with Aaron. 

Jacoby sighed. He had hoped that she would have been an eager and willing participant. He wanted her to go so he could keep an eye on her and do everything in his power to make sure that his little sister stayed away from Aaron Judge. He seemed nice enough but Jacoby was worried like any big brother would be. "I want to spend time with you and I need a designated driver."

"You just want to make sure that I don't go sneak off with Aaron tonight," She snapped back with a smirk, "I'm not dumb."

"He'll be there," Jacoby informed her, hoping that she would agree to go.

"Fine. Give me half an hour to get ready." Bailee waved him off. 

Jacoby nodded and left her room. She got up off her bed and went into her bathroom, turning on her straightening iron. While she was waiting for it to heat up, she touched up her makeup. Then, she ran her straightening iron through her hair a few times so her raven hair was pin straight. 

She threw her closet door open and rifled through it, trying to find something that would show off all her best assets. She pulled out a tight red leather dress and slipped it on, the dress clinging to every curve she had, stopping mid thigh. She stepped into a pair of red wedges. 

Bailee stared at herself in the mirror, admiring how good she looked. She sighed because she knew that Jacoby was going to pitch a fit at how tight the dress was so she grabbed a wrap to appease her over protective brother. 

"I'm ready!" She called down as she walked down the stairs. Her brother appeared at the bottom in a pair of dark jeans and a red button down. "We match," She squealed, trying to annoy her brother. 

He rolled his eyes, "Could you have picked anything tighter?" 

She shrugged, "You wanted me to come and I'm not changing so let's go." 


They walked in the bar. Jacoby grabbed Bailee's hand, "They're this way." 

"Hey guys," Jacoby slapped all of the guys' hands, "Bailee here is going to be a designated driver." He explained when all the eyes turned onto Bailee. All of the players thought that Bailee was hot, but Jacoby had made it clear that she was completely off limits. 

All the other players respected this but Aaron, he didn't really care because he wanted Bailee and he always got what he wanted. 

"Nice to see you again," Aaron nodded at Bailee.

Bailee smiled, her cheeks tinting a little red at the thoughts of his hands between her legs, "You too, Aaron." She started to move to sit next to Aaron but Jacoby grabbed her arm.

"Sit by me," He instructed gruffly. She rolled her eyes and did as he said, hoping that once he got drunk, she could go sit by Aaron. 

"So Bailee," Tyler Wade, the shortstop started, "How was your first day as the athletic trainer?" 

"It was interesting," She shifted a little and peered at Aaron who had a smirk plastered on his face. "But I like it."

"You've come a long way," Jacoby slung his arm around her, "I remember when you couldn't stop wetting the bed when you were in middle school."

Bailee's face turned bright red as she wriggled from her brother's grip. "I did not," She muttered as the whole team laughed. She glanced up at Aaron, sure that he was going to be laughing along with the team but he wasn't. His gaze was hot on her skin. 

Jacoby stood up, "I am going to go order us a round of shots."

As soon as his back was turned, Aaron also stood up. He started to stroll past Bailee but he stopped and bent over until his mouth was by her ear. 

"Meet Daddy in the bathroom in five minutes." 

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