Chapter 30 - When A Guy Loves.

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Coming back to Mumbai after a much needed summer break felt a bit weird. Only the first day of my final year stressed me out so much that I had passed out for the entire day. It had been three days already since we were back here. Kriti's wedding was a blast and we made some amazing memories together. Now, she was gone for her honeymoon to Europe and honestly I envied her so much for this. I sat with my Anatomy book in the window in front of my room. The weather was windy today and cool breeze was blowing. I opened the book and started revising today's lecture when my eyes landed at my palms. I noticed a rash and extreme dryness there. My skin had turned hard on those patches and it was numb. It was a normal thing for my skin so I paid little heed to it. I slumped back and plugged in my earphones. Before I knew, it was already dark. I walked back to my room. Aisha was still sleeping as if she hadn't slept for a week. I went to the sink and washed my face but when I looked up in the mirror, I was completely freaked out. There were not only rashes in patches all over my face but also some red bumps that looked like dried blood. I looked at my arms and there were similar marks there. My skin felt warmer than before and I felt an itching sensation rising in my body. I tried my best to avoid the itching so that I don't accidentally scratch whatever allergy it was. But when it got worse, I couldn't control and when I scratched, blood started to ooze out of those marks. I was now terrified in real sense. I grabbed the first aid box and kept the gauze pad over the bleeding area. Thankfully, the hospital affiliated with our college was just nearby the hostel. I grabbed my scarf and wrapped it around my head. My face looked awful and I was not feeling comfortable with it. Taking my mobile phone, I walked to the hospital. The dermatologist was kind enough to stay back after her duty hours and she checked my allergy properly.

"Doctor Rhea, do you have allergy from something particular?" She asked me.

"As far as I remember, No! And this happened for the first time."

"Did you eat or wear something unusual in previous days?" She asked again holding my wrist in her hand and examining it.

"Do you think it's because of make up or jewellery because I don't wear it that often and I am just back from a wedding." I told her honestly.

"Yes. Exactly. The symptoms are of Eczema." She enlightened me.

"I had a vague guess already."

"Yeah, sometimes it can occur due to wearing certain metals like copper or nickel. And from perfumes and skin products as well." She told me. "Anyway, your symptoms are not that severe. It's good that you visited me in the initial stage only. I will prescribe you some ointments for it. And yes, don't use these branded skin products. Your skin is very sensitive and there are hardly a few things that will suit your skin type. There is a particular brand that I myself use. You can try it and avoid make up and jewellery as much as you can." She advised me as she jotted down everything on the slip.

"For how long do I have to apply this ointment?" I asked her.

"Depends on the allergy. It can get worse even and I recommend you to take leave from your college for a weak to avoid contact with sunlight. Exposure to sunlight will only worsen it. The heat wave is too strong nowadays."

"It's difficult. How will I cope up with a week's lectures?"

"It's just the beginning. Ask any of your friend to help you with it and stay cool and indoors. Keep yourself hydrated and take care of yourself, Doc." She spoke smiling at me.

"And yeah, one more thing?" I asked as she slung her bag across her shoulder and we walked across the corridor.


"Is it contagious?"

"No, not at all. Don't worry but for precautionary measures, keep your soap, towel and hairbrush separate." She responded and I nodded at her.

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