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1 week later

Ethan's pov

It has only been one week and all of us are already best friends.I think Veronica is my type but I'm not sure if she's into me and it's only been one week.I don't know if she has feelings for someone else.I was going to ask Vanessa but she would probably tease me.I got distracted when I saw Grayson in front of me.

"Dude cmon"-G
"I'm coming"-E

I honestly didn't know where we were going I just followed them.I ended up in my class somehow.

When my class was over I was walking outside and sat down with everyone.

After school at sunset

Ethan's pov

I was walking and I didn't see roni so I just went with grayson and nessa.I feel like they would make a perfect couple they look cute when they're together .

Veronica's pov

It was sunset and all of us where at some park thing that we always go to.I was waiting for them when someone gave me a note.O read it and it said "meet me here ****" I went to the spot it said and I saw a little set up.

O read it and it said "meet me here ****" I went to the spot it said and I saw a little set up

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It was really pretty I just wondered who set this up.Out of nowhere I saw cameron come out of a bush.He looked really good.

"Cameron?"-R"Bet you didn't expect me here"-C"No I didn't what is this"-R"Roni out of all the time that I've known you I have something to say"-C"Ok,I'm getting kinda nervous"-R"Roni would you like to be my girlfriend"-C"YES!"

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"Bet you didn't expect me here"-C
"No I didn't what is this"-R
"Roni out of all the time that I've known you I have something to say"-C
"Ok,I'm getting kinda nervous"-R
"Roni would you like to be my girlfriend"-C

I gave him a hug and then we sat down to eat.


Cameron and I were currently in the car and he was taking me home.When we arrived i unbuckled my seatbelt and he was looking at me.I got closer to him and made a face that said "what do you want".He smiled and then I got out of the car.

"Thank you for tonight Cameron"-R
"No problem,oh and before you leave can I ask you something"-C
Yeah sure"-R
"Can i call you babe"-C
"Of course babe"-R

He laughed and then he said goodnight.I was happy I was his girlfriend I've been having feeling for him for a long time now.i walked inside and it sounded like everyone was asleep since it was completely quiet.

The next day

Veronica's pov

Nessa was driving to school and I still haven't told her about the relationship thing.I walked out of the car and saw Ethan and Grayson sitting at our usual spot.We walked over to them and sat down.

"Good morning"-E
"Good morning"-N
"When did you guys get here"-R
"A while ago"-E

We talked and talked until.

"Hey babe" Cameron said while giving roni a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah nessa i forgot to tell you that Cameron was my boy friend since yesterday.
"Why didn't you tell me!"-N
"You were sleeping"-R
"I'll see you in class" Cameron whispered in my ear.I smiled and nodded.

Ethan's pov

When I heard Cameron say babe my heart sank.He whispered something in her ear but no one could hear it.She smiled and nodded.

"That's why you ditched us to go with HIM"-E
'You don't have to say it in that tone"-R
"Well you chose HIM"-E
"I mean you could've at least exited us,but no you had to be with HIM"-E

She got up and left.

Vanessa's pov

When roni cursed my eyes widened.I had never heard her say that.

"That was the first time I've ever hear her curse"-N
"It's all your fault Ethan"-G
"You could be just let her be she didn't ditch us the note is what made her leave"-G
"Look I care for her"-E
"If you cared for my sister you would clearly not go that far"-N
"Cmon grayson"-N

Grayson and i stood up and left.Of course Ethan has to do it.I like how Grayson actually took my side on this I really expected him to take Ethan's side.

Grayson had gone to the bathroom and I was walking through the halls.There wasn't really anyone there.I turned on the of the hall ways and saw Cameron and Roni making out against the lockers.I quickly turned back around to the other direction. 

Veronica's pov

I was walking through the mostly empty halls.I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Cameron.

"Hey" -C
"Hey babe"-R
"What are you doing"-C
"You will soon"-C

I was facing my mirror on my locker when he said "you will soon" he quickly turned me around,closed my locker,and started kissing me against the locker.

A/n I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter a tried to make it pretty long for you guys.Dont forget to comment and vote!✌🏻

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