The talk

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Veronica's POV

    Cameron and I were sitting on the couch watching Riverdale. I noticed that when I kissed Cameron on the cheek Ethan got a little weird. I told Cameron I would be back and went into the kitchen.

"Ethan are you ok?"-R
"Yeah I'm fine"-E
"Ethan, since the day me and Cameron got together you have been acting weird, kinda even like, jealous"-R
"Well I'm fine, I don't mind you and Cameron dating"-E
"So this means that you won't get weird every time me and Cameron kiss"-R

He walked away like I didn't say anything.


He pulled me aside.

"I'm sorry Roni but, to be honest, I can't promise anything"-E

He walked back into the kitchen and I walked back to the couch. What exactly did that mean. I'm sorry Ethan but, I have Cameron and he makes me happy.

Three days later

Vanessa's POV

     Harrison and I went to get some Starbucks. I realized I left my phone in the car. I shut the car door after I got my phone. Suddenly Grayson stopped me.

"You scared me"-N

He didn't say anything

"I'm going to go back inside"-N
"No. Don't"-N

He held my wrist and took me further.

"Grayson where are we going?"-N
"Nessa can you plz be quiet"-G
"Grayson can we go back to the car"

He didn't do anything but then I started to hit him and that's when he decided to go back. When we arrived I asked again.

"What are you doing"-N
"Nessa I'm sorry but I just have to do this. I've been wanting to for a long time."-G

He put his hands on my waist and came closer to me. Before I knew it both out lips touched. I only kissed him back a few times when I knew it was wrong. I pulled away and he left running to his car. I quickly went back into Starbucks. I went towards the table Harrison was at but he wasn't there. My drink was though. I texted him a lot of times but he still did not respond.

Harrison's POV

    Vanessa was taking a long time just to get her phone. I then saw her and Grayson by her car. I went outside to see what was going on. When I turned to see I saw Vanessa and Grayson Kissing. Something I realized was that she didn't pull away. I decided to walk back to my house since Vanessa and Grayson were to busy making out. I received a bunch of texts from Vanessa but I didn't answer her. Why should I?

Vanessa's POV

I was laying against my wall In my room not knowing what to do. Harrison wouldn't answer me. I started to get mad at Grayson if it were t for him I would be happy. I started crying of anger and sadness. Then I started to punch the wall. Roni and Cameron quickly came in. My hand was starting to get red and some of it was bleeding.

Cameron ran up to me and picked me up. He held me and didn't let me go. Roni tried to calm me down because I was kicking Cameron. Soon I calmed down and It was just me and Roni because he knew that Toni wanted to talk to me.

Veronica's POV

I asked Camron if he could leave and he understood. I sat down on the bed next to nessa.

"Why did you do that"-R
"What do you mean Grayson"-R
"He kissed me and Harrison thought I was cheating"-N
"So this is why this is happening"-R
"Do you think he will cheat on me to get me back"-N
"Well, if he was a good boyfriend and really wanted to be with you he wouldn't and talk to you. On the other hand if he wasn't then he would do that"-R
"I'm scared"-N
"You don't have to be Nessa"-R
"What is this ends up like Aaron!"-N
"Let's hope for the best"-R

Suddenly I felt a notification. I opened it and saw Harrison's tweet.


Sometimes you just can't trust the people you care

Then I felt another notification. It was Harrison on IMessage


H-Hey Roni umm did U hear
R-About you and Nessa. Yeah.
H-Roni I wasn't able to tell her myself but can you
R- can I what
H-Can u tell her that I'm breaking up with her
H-look Roni I know it sounds wrong but when she kissed Gray she didn't pull away. That means that she wants to be with him. I don't want to make her be my Girlfriend when she likes someone else. I don't want to stop her from being with someone she wants to be with. Tell her that she is a fret girlfriend and that it wasn't her fault. I want her to choose who she wants to be with. And that's not me.
R-yeah I will

I told nessa that Harrison was breaking up with her. She didn't believe me about what he typed that he wanted her to be with who she wants. I showed it to her and she started to cry. I gave her a hug and stayed with her. She said I could go downstairs so I did.

When I went downstairs Camron was sleeping on he couch. I layer next to him and slowly fell asleep.

One week later

Vanessa's POV

     Ever since Harrison and I broke up things have changed. Luckily I have gotten over him pretty quick. I haven't really talked to Grayson and Roni hasn't talked to Ethan much. Today Ethan was going to come over. I was doing my make up and I heard a knock on the door. Roni opened it and It was Ethan. I went downstairs and gave him a hug.

Veronica's POV
Ethan asked if he could talk to me and I said sure. He took me over into the kitchen.

"Roni there is something really important I have to tell you"-E
"Cameron, is not such a great guy"-E
"He is technically cheating on you"-E
"I know I couldn't believe it either"-E
"No it's not that, it's the fact that u actually think that he would do something like that!!"-R
"I'm telling the truth"-E
"Cameron would never do something like that!"-R

"Ok, don t believe me!"-E
"I won't!!"-R
"Get out!"-R

A/n drama! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter make sure to vote and comment!

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