The wild chase

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Veronica's POV

I was going to Panera to get some breakfast from there. I arrived and got my food. I was taking it to go so I could bring some for Nessa and Ethan. Nessa asked Ethan to come over but it's kinda awkward. I was sitting on my phone when I saw Cameron come in. I was going to stand up but I saw a girl too. I sat down and tried to hide a bit. They ordered and than he kissed her. What!
They called my name and Cameron looked around. I got my Bagels and I went over to there table.

"Oh hey Camron who is this"-R
"Oh umm Rachel"-C
"Camron I thought you had already broken up with this girl"-Girl
"Yeah Camron J thought you had"-R
"Oh you didn't! Because I broke up with you"-R

I walked out and drove back home. I arrived and I asked Ethan where Nessa was and he said that she had to go to the library for a school project. I instantly started crying.

"Woah Roni what's wrong"-He said getting up

"You were right"-R
He came and hugged me
"I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, you should be the one saying I told you so"-R

"Roni you might've been wrong and didn't believe me but it's because you never saw that side of Cameron and I understand"-e

Ethan's POV

I felt really bad for Roni so I gave her a hug.After all that happened we watched a movie and she fell asleep on my chest. I felt like she needed someone that now so I decided to stay.

Vanessa's POV

I'm really getting over the break up right now and I just wanna find someone new to hang out with. I feel like it would be really awkward if I was with Grayson. I went to Starbucks to get get my mind off of things. I took a seat and went i my phone. While I was on my phone someone came up to me.
"Hey, aren't you Vanessa Merrell" the person asked. I looked up and saw Jack Gilinsky!

"Oh yeah I am"-N
"Do you mind if I sit I usually just come here to hang"-JG
"Yeah sure go ahead"-N
"And you're Jack Gilinsky"-N

We talked for what felt like hours. He gave me his number and it was dark out.

"Hey you can come over with me"-JG
"Are you sure I can just get an Uber"-N
"Ok then"-N

He drove to his apartment and we went to his room. It was an apartment that had two floors which was cool. We decided to hang out in his room and he found out that I went through a break up at Starbucks. He decided to teach me dance since he takes classes. It was getting harder and harder. I tripped and bumped into him which made us fall with me on top of him. We both looked into each others eyes. I was gonna start to get closer but I remembered I didn't want a relationship so I got up. I quickly said sorry and he thought it was a good time to go to bed and I agreed. He slept on the floor because he didn't want things to be awkward and I slept on the bed.

The next day

We decided to go to the beach some it was really hot. I got in the water and the second I did he picked me up and took me under water with him. When we came back up he was lagging but I smacked him.

Veronica's POV

I was starting to get really nervous cause Nessa never came home yesterday and I've called her a trillion times. Ethan said to calm down so I went on Instagram.

  ExposingPeople: Vanessa Merrell and Jack Gilinsky were caught kissing at the beach on Saturday morning

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ExposingPeople: Vanessa Merrell and Jack Gilinsky were caught kissing at the beach on Saturday morning. Maybe Vanessa has a new boyfriend. And it has been a few months since her break up. Is Jack her new man. Comment your thoughts.


User 1: Holy crap my two favorite people as a couple!
JackGFan: I ship it
Dorrelledits: Noooooooo!!!
User2: they would make a cute couple
User3: when did she get a new boyfriend?

My heart started racing after. Ok so she gets a nEw man and doesn't even me. Wow.

ExposingPeople: Jack Gilinsky and Vanessa Merrell were caught eating breakfast after the beach

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ExposingPeople: Jack Gilinsky and Vanessa Merrell were caught eating breakfast after the beach. And in this picture it looked like Vanessa was about to kiss him. Maybe she does have a new man.

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   I started to get really mad because she didn't even tell me. I decided to call her again but she didn't answer.

"Maybe this was a mistake"-E
"How could have it been a mistake!"-R

Grayson's POV

   I went over to The Merrell Twins house because I wanted to talk to Nessa. I was really sorry that I made Harrison break up with her so I came to apologize. I knocked on the door and Roni opened it and seemed stressed.

"Hey Roni is Nessa home"-G
"Oh umm"-G
"She hasn't been home since last afternoon"-R
"Do you know where she is?-G
"Well then let's go look for her any ideas of where"-G
"Well paparazzi caught her at the beach and then what seems like Panera"-R
"Ok one spot to go"-R
"But they caught her kissing a guy which got me even more stressed that she didn't even tell me"-R
"Call her"-G
"I did and she haven't answered"-R
"Well than there is only one thing to do now"-G
"Go look for her. Come on Ethan!"-G

  We all got in the car and I drove. We went to the beach and looked for her there. Luckily we wore some pretty good disguises . We didn't find her at the beach so we went to the nearest Panera. And we didn't find her.

"We will never find her"-R
   So sighed a looked over. Then all of the sudden I saw Jacks car. I told Roni and me and Ethan went running towards it. Unfortunately we didn't catch them but I got on my skateboard and went after them. When they got on a red light I was pretty far away but when I was close it turned to a green light. I got beeped at because I wasn't suppose to go but I still went. They parked at an apartment building but I was still far away. I didn't really get to see where they went but I knew it was on the 3rd floor. Unfortunately I didn't get to see which room and there was a ton on the 3rd floor. That's when I knew that I had to go on each door.


    I was close to almost the last door and then I knocked on another one but they didn't answer so I just walked in.That's when I something I wish I hadn't interrupted.

A/n What has Grayson seen? Find out on the next chapter. Don't forget to comment and Vote.

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