Chapter 10 ~ Miss Me?

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Yes that is my edit up above so if you want to use it (for whatever reason) ask me before doing so. I will most likely say yes.

(Emma's POV)
A voice seems to pull me out away from the grip the darkness seems to have on me. Startled, my eyes flash open only to close once more by the sudden brightness. Remembering the reason why I woke, I open them again and try to escape from whomever has awoken me.

"Calm down, miss," the voice says. It sounds familiar and I eventually recognize it as the man from the ticket office. I calm down from my panicked state and turn to my left, only to have my suspicions confirmed. The man is knelt close yet not too close to me and wears a kind smile. Memories of last night fill my mind and is almost too much. But I do not let my demeanour change or slip.

"The train will arrive in 10 minutes," he explains. I nod my head and thank him, to which he returns to his desk from last night. He seriously stayed all night here? I can't help but feel bad for the man. I sit up straighter and realize I was sprawled across three chairs. My back aches from the position I slept in but I shake it off and just sit in the middle chair.

A thought slams into my brain, causing me to slightly panic. I still haven't payed for my ticket nor do I have the money to do so. I check my phone--which I have yet to get rid of--and realize I only have seven minutes to conjure up two hundred and fifteen dollars! I instantly feel a loathing towards my pride, for if it wasn't for said pride, I would have let the old man help me out. But nooo, I was too good for that. So now, I'm left with pride instead of a ticket out of here.
Well done, Emma.

For the next four minutes I run through every possible scenario in which I could still get on the train but with no luck. When the old man isn't looking, I even try to create the money with my magic but still nothing. I glance at the clock and figure I'll just have to get on the train and wing it from there.

With three minutes left now, I stand up with my backpack and head towards the door when I hear, "Miss!" I cringe and face the old man. "I think you forgot something."

"I--" Before I can make up something, he holds out a ticket for me. I look at it with shock and surprise then move my gaze towards his face.

"You can't get on a train without a ticket, now can you?" He says and continues to hold out the ticket. "I'm not as young as I used to be, I can't hold my arm out like this forever." He cracks a small smile and looks at me, awaiting my response.

Now's your chance! Don't let your pride ruin your life! "I-I can't take it," I say despite what my mind is telling me. This man has been so kind and I can't just let him give me a ticket for free. It'd be ripping him off, essentially stealing from him!

The man sighs but doesn't lower his arm. "Last night I received a rather large...amount of payment so if you think I'm losing money here, I'm not," he informs me. I try not to let my shock show but some of it manages to leak onto my face anyways.

He lets out a small laugh. "Yes, I could tell where your mind had wondered to." His demeanour turns to serious rather quickly. "Now, you're going to take this ticket, get the hell away from this city or whatever it is you're running from and live your life. Understood?"

Without control, I find myself nodding in understanding. He holds his arm out a bit further, urging me to take the ticket and against my pride I take it. He smiles at me before looking to his computer. "The train's almost here, I'd head outside if I were you."

I simply nod once more and go to push open the door when I hesitate. I turn back to the man, "Why are you helping me?"

He tries to stop it but a smile appears on his face which appears to be hiding a secret of its own. "Because it's the right thing to do." Somewhat satisfied with that answer, I give him a smile for once.

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