Chapter 17 ~ Magic Expert

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I'm getting lazy with these edits lol😜

(Emma's POV)
As predicted, the interview at the restaurant went terribly. But it doesn't matter because I have a job at the library. After the interview, I called Killian and told him I'd pick us up lunch. We met at the fountain in the town square and ate our lunch.

"This Emily girl seems rather nice," Killian says after I told him about meeting Emily.

"She is. And I really think she can help us with getting our way around the school and giving us tips and stuff. You know like who to avoid," I admit before taking another bite of my sandwich. I finish it off and throw the packaging into the garbage bin.

"And I'm glad to hear you got a job you like." Killian copies me after finishing his sandwich by throwing out his garbage.

"Yeah me too! Tell me more about your interview over at the docks," I say as he sits down at the fountain with me.

"There's nothing much more to tell, really. The guys seemed really nice and apparently I wasn't the only young lad working there."

"Did they give you details about what you'd be doing?"

"Yeah, they said that I'd be repairing boats, that is if I know what I'm doing. They'll going to test my skills tomorrow."

"That's it?"

"It's a lot more work that it seems, Swan. You have to analyze what's wrong with it, fix it up and take it for a test spin to see if it actually works. Now that I'm saying it it does seem like not a lot of work." His eyebrows furrow together.

"As long as you enjoy doing it, it doesn't matter," I say with a smile. He smiles back, full of warmth, and my heart nearly does a flip. I quickly ruin the moment by adding more. "And if it pays well."

His eyes fill with laughter but nothing leaves his lips. "Aye, it does," he says, not changing his smile. I can't help but stare at him, as he does to me. He looks as if he remembered something and says, "There's something I want to do."

He stand up and offers me his hand. Normally, I'd brush it off and stand up on my own, rolling my eyes at the attempt of being a gentleman. And with any other guy, that would be the case. But this was Killian. I take his hand and I stand up. We start walking--well it's mostly him walking at a brisk pace while he half drags me with him--and soon enough we enter the forest.

Neither one of us has dropped the others' hand, in fact I don't even remember I'm holding his hand until we stop walking. We enter a clearing in the woods and Killian stops. "Is this the part where you kill me?" I ask, only half jokingly.

"As I recall, I believe you're the one who knows how to bury a body," he says and winks. I realize that he was referring to the time we first met and I blush remembering how embarsssing I was. But he doesn't seem to think of me that way, and he certainly didn't back then.

"So then what are we doing out here?" I ask.

"This is how to control your magic 101." He steps in front of me, his arms gesturing to the forest as they're spread out. I widen my eyes. "I told you we were going to do something to help control your magic, and I was serious."

"I don't know Killian," I say, doubtfully.

"Swan your magic shouldn't be something you fear or want to hide." He takes my hands and continues talking. "It's bloody brilliant! Your magic is a gift, not a curse. So you should be treating it as one. And the first step to doing so, is getting it under control, so you're no longer afraid of it."

I look at him and can't help the awe that must be evident in my eyes. He actually wants to help me. I mean, it's insane! We're talking about magic, which still must be a pretty surreal topic formhim, I know it is for me sometimes, and he makes it seem like it's a totally normal conversation.

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