Chapter 18 ~ Connections and Salutes

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This book hit 2k reads! I know it's not "a lot" but it means a lot to me, so thank you to everyone who's still reading 😘

(Killian's POV)
I wake up the next morning with a groan from a shrieking sound and quickly sit up from the floor, immediately connecting it to danger. With a quick and frantic look around, I realize the sound is coming from an alarm clock. I groan once more and let my body fall back to the ground.

"I see someone's not a morning person," Emma comments as she emerges from the washroom.

"Why should I be? Mornings are meant for sleeping." I roll over so my face is smashed into the pillow.

"Unfortunately, this morning has already been dedicated to school," she says and I sigh and roll back over. Using my elbows to hoist myself up slightly, I see Emma leaning against the wall opposite from me. She has already gotten dressed in a simple outfit with a white shirt and a pair or jeans along with what I have come to consider her signature red leather jacket. She looks gorgeous.

She notices me starring and looks to the ground. She clears her throat and says, "I called down to the lobby and they said they'd have a cot in here by the time we return so you won't have to sleep on the floor anymore."

"That's good," I say as I stretch my arms and my back. I slightly rub my neck to wash the pain caused by my poor choice in sleeping position. "How did you sleep last night?"

She looks up to answer and then bites her lip. She sighs and responds, "Slightly better than the night before but not as well as the night before that." I nod and are about to ask my next question when she answers for me. "No nightmares." I nod, thankful. "How did you sleep?"

"Alright," I respond, standing up from the floor. "Although an extra few hours would have been helpful."

She laughs through her nose and closes her eyes with a smile while shaking her head. A response I've associated with me acting/being ridiculous. And I smile. "Well, since I'm up I might as well get ready." We both make eye contact once more before I walk past her and towards the washroom.


Emma and I both have our bags slung over our shoulders as we walk to our new school. We first go to the cafe first to grab a small yet well-balanced breakfast. I'm not sure when I started caring about breakfast being "well-balanced" but I'm just going to go with it.

Using the map we got a few days prior, we soon locate the school. It's even bigger than I had imagined but smaller than my old school. There's a large lawn before the main entrance where students are sprawled across and sitting on, conversing amongst one another. Again, there are more students than I had expected but it really doesn't matter so long as they leave us be.

I take a glance to Emma to see she's slightly nervous but also confident. And hopeful. She looks to me and I give her a small smile. "Nervous, Swan?" I ask.

She scoffs. "You wish I was nervous Jones," she replies, with a playful smile. The first thing we do is enter the school and try to locate the principal's office to enroll.

School doesn't begin for another 20 minutes so there aren't a whole lot of students in the hallway. I guess they wait until the last minute to get to class. Emma stands in front of the door to the principal's office, her hand hovering over the knob.  "This'll work, right?" she says. It's not clear whether she was asking me or merely talking to herself, but nonetheless I supply her with an answer.

"It'll work, Swan. You've done this before and succeeded and I have yet to see you fail," I tell her. She gives me a look of gratitude and nods her head again before pushing open the door. We both walk up to the receptionist and look at each other, to see who'll speak first.

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