Chaper 3

255 5 1

Rose's POV

I was having a battle with myself, trying to decide if I should just walk away from the room or check on the Greaser. But I guess someone else made a decision as I saw the body stand up and walk out of the curtain.

His tall frame made my head look up to meet his eyes. his hair was how I expected it to be, greased up. He was wearing dark blue jeans with a white shirt on that was tight on the sleeve just below his shoulder. One thing I noticed was that, he was attractive.

I saw him smirk at me, making me realize I've been staring at him for too long, but he looked like he didn't mind because he was doing the same thing to me.

I cleared my throat. "Uh.. what was going on in here?" My palms began to sweat. I was getting nervous by his green eyes burning into my body.

"The nurse tried to make me put on this gown," He explained pointing to the white gown left on the chair ."but I resisted." he smirked.

"Well you do have to put it on in order for us to check on you." I said not meeting his eyes but just staring at the floor.

"I didn't even want to come here, I don't need your help, I'm tough enough to handle myself." he argued.

"Then why are you here?"

"Because my dick head of a friend dropped me off here and told me to get stitches." I flinched at his use of words to describe his friend. I wasn't used to hearing bad words from people's mouth. Especially because I work in a hospital.

"Oh," Was all I could say.

"What's your name, baby." he smirked, quick to change his mood. But I didn't like that nickname.

"Georgia Roselyn." I said quietly.

"Oh pretty name," he said while sitting on the counter "I'm Harry."

Harry. that name is very rare here in New York. And by his accent I can tell he wasn't from here.

"Where are you from?" I asked. I couldn't tell where his accent came from.

He stared at me. The corners of his mouth rising up slightly.

"London, England." he said. "Where are you from?" He asked the same question.


"Really? 'Cuz girls like you rarely have blue eyes and brown hair," He grabbed a strand of my hair and twirled it around is fingers. But it was true. Not that many girls have blue eyes. They mostly had green, and they were blonde. But I am made of Brooklyn blood.

"Yeah," I said, pushing his hand away, "can you put on the gown ? so the doctor can check on you?" I snapped. Wait where is Mark? "where is the doctor anyway?"

"He left when I couldn't stop teasing about his damn shoes." He chuckled, smiling with dimples popping on each side of his cheeks.

Mark and his shoes. He has these funny shoes that he says are very fancy, but even though they don't look like it no one has teased him about it, well not until Harry.

"Alright, do you want to get checked or do you want to leave." I told him, I don't have time for patients like this. There is other patients that actually need help of mine.

"No, I'll leave, I'm a big boy don't you think?" I didn't reply. "I'll be heading out now," He stood up and stopped right in front of me.

"Goodbye beautiful," he lowered is head next to my ear, "I'll see you later." He stood up straight and smirked. Then he walked out the door casually.

I stood there for a couple of minutes. I don't know how to take that conversation. I'm stupid it's just a simple conversation. Wait. He said he was from London. Then why is he in New York ? And he said he needed stitches. why? did he get in a fight?


I got back to work, and before I could check the clock Laura was walking towards me telling me that it's the end of my shift for the day. I got my belongings and said goodbye to Laura.

I don't have a car because money is tough. Unfortunately I can't even afford taking the bus everyday so I just walk. I made enough money for my school supplies which means that I have to stop by the store and get my stuff.

I walked down the street clutching my purse and admiring the beauty that began to grow in New York after the attack. Even after the attack the people still continue their daily doings. Many of them go to the beach, that's what's wonderful about Brooklyn, that there is a beach right next to the big building. I don't go there that much because of work and school, but hopefully I will go when school starts.

I looked up and saw a car parked in the parking lot of the beach. I saw 3 figures standing there, and from the distance I could see that they were Greasers.

I have to get out of this sidewalk and not be seen. What if it's Harry? Will he stop me?

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