Summerslam 2017 thoughts

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So this year's summerslam was well kinda sucky, first off that new day and usos's match actually wasn't that bad I was sad that the new day lost though, then there was the cass vs big show match I thought it was hilarious with Enzo and he cage and wished he would have jumped off and hit cass knocking him out it would have been great revenge.Natayla vs nioami I didn't like, I wish Natayla hadn't won it, I think her character is practically dead and I kinda wish she'd just retire literally her only thing she's done besides this is her small feud with Nikki Bella and you know how that ended.The Sasha vs Alexa bliss match was okay I'm just glad Alexa doesn't have the belt anymore but I'm not that keen on Sasha having it either just with her history of defending the belt even though I like Sasha a lot.I think one of my favorite matches of the night was the bray vs Finn match mainly because I love Finn balor and I was excited that the demon king came back the paint was looking awesome!Also my other favorite Mach by far was dean and Seth vs cesaro and shemus literally my highlight of summerslam, they did so good!plus that whole thing with cesaro and the beach ball was great, I'm so glad dean and Seth worked together and won!Then baron vs cena was meh,and I did not like the shinsuke vs jinder match which I was really sad about because I was looking forward to it.I think most of us all know shinsuke should have won that belt,the match was over all sucky and the singh brothers are the only reason shinsuke didn't win.The Aj styles vs Kevin Owens match was fine I'm glad Aj won, and then the main event four way match I had mixed feelings about.Im kinda glad roman didn't win though even though I really like roman character wise that whole superman punch thing is kinda stupid thought not gonna lie, I figured Brock would win but surprisingly I was kinda rooting for Braun stroman I feel like it would have been a good push for him.Anyways that's my thoughts and opinions you don't have to feel the same way though.

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