When they realized that they loved you

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Becky-You had been pretty nervous pretty much all the time you guys were dating,nervous about what your friends and family would think,mostly nervous about what Alexa would think,you were worried she wouldn't wanna be friends with you after finding out you and Becky were dating.She realized that she truly loved you when you decided that you didn't care what anyone thought,it was one of the times in your life when you looked truly happy.

Sasha-You are a very very VERY shy person around new people,she could tell when she first met you that you were the kind of person who at times seemed like she would be scared of her own shadow,when you and Sasha first started dating she was waiting for you to truly open up to her.That didn't happen for awhile until one day you two were talking and you finally got comfortable with her,she couldn't believe how outspoken and quirky you were,at that moment she felt like she truly knew the real you and that is when she fell in love with you.

Charlotte-You were the kind of person that couldn't relax and was always paranoid,charlotte was a hard worker but did chill whenever she could,she tried to get you to chill with her but you could never relax and almost never seemed to fully trust her which did break her heart a little bit.Could she blame you though you had been cheated on in your last relationship and found it hard to trust people.She realized she loved you when you finally began to trust her,it was hard at first but you learned to relax and take things slow,you were a very caring person you just needed to learn to let yourself take a breather.

Bayley-You were a very guarded person,when you and bayley had first started dating you didn't let her in at all it broke bayley's heart.You hated being vulnerable and didn't like putting your trust into other people's hands,after a lot of conversations she had finally gotten you to open up,you finally let her in.You were scared that after finally showing who you really were she would leave you but she didn't,she was there to support you,she fell in love with you once you were able to share how you were feeling with her.

Alexa:you were a pretty innocent person,you didn't have a bad bone in you,the bad thing was that you couldn't bring yourself to say no.Alexa hated that manly because it put you under a lot of pressure,you took on more than you could handle and it was tearing you apart.One day you just couldn't take it anymore,you were done with being the good girl everyone used,Alexa realized she loved you after seeing the touch of darkness in you,let's just say after that no one ever used you again.

Paige:you are the kind of person never to be taken seriously,Paige loved that about you but at times she wished you would be serious for once.Paige never thought you would ever get serious until she really had a conversation about it with you.She did get to see the serious side of you,she discovered that she didn't like you when you were serious almost like you had become a different person.She realized that she loved the normal you,the real you.

Aj lee:you were a very insecure person,you had been bullied at a Young age and it had left a big impact on how you viewed yourself.You couldn't see how anyone could love you,you knew you could never truly love yourself.Your childhood had left permanent scares on you but no one knew,you hid it so well for so long,when you became a wrestler that was all you focused on,you were extremely intimidating and rarely talked to anyone,you were alone.Aj became the light of your life she made you feel like you were worth something.She realized she loved you when she saw the soft side of you to your normal intimidating self,she felt like she could truly be herself around you and you felt the same way about her.

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