chapter 2= whats wrong with me

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*your p.o.v.*


My eye snap open, I look around, I get up from the floor, I stretch making a few popping noises, wow I feel great, better then yesterday, it was probably a little fever that's all, I walk past my mirror but I walk backwards and notice, I have a little more muscles then before, I have a small little six pack that I never had before, I start to flex and the muscles on my arm starts popping out, then I hear someone knocking on my door.

"(Y/n) sweetheart, hurry up and change before your late for school" I hear my dad.

"Change? Yeah big change" I say to myself as I look at my muscles, I take a shower, I put on underwear and a bra and put on black skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt,I pull the sleeves up a bit, I get my black hi-tops converse and put them on, I get my ring and put it on, I get my black beanie and and put it on my head, I walk downstairs and jump over the rail and land downstairs, I walk behind my dad and kiss his cheek.

"Morning sweetheart, you look better" he says referring to what happened yesterday.

"I feel great" I tell him, I see my little brother walking downstairs half asleep, I chuckle and ruffle his hair.

"Wake up wimp, before you fall to the floor again"  I tell him.

"Whatever" he mumbles and walks next to dad and lays his head down, I hear (f/n) honking her car, I grab my backpack about to go outside till my dad stops me.

"Hey your not going to eat anything" my dad ask me.

" no I'll eat at school, I'll see you after school" I yell at him, and run outside.

*no ones p.o.v.*

"Women" your dad says with a chuckle to your little brother.

*your p.o.v.*

I walk towards her car and get in.

"Wow is it just me or you look different today" (f/n) says as she starts driving to the school, she parks and we get out, we start walking to school, I see the corner of my eye people are starring but I ignore it, I walk to my locker and put my backpack in, I grab what I need and walk to my class.


The bell rings for lunch, we all walk out of class, I walk to my locker and put all my things in so I don't have to carry anything.

"Hey (y/n) c'mon" (f/n) calls me, I walk towards her as we walk to the cafeteria, we get our lunch and sit in our normal table we sit in.

"So what happened yesterday that you felt sick" (f/n) ask as she eats a piece a bread.

"I don't know maybe food poisen" I tell her not wanting to tell her I got bit by a spider.

"Hey I forgot my milk, I'll be right back okay?" She ask, I nod my head, she gets up and start to walk away to get her milk, I see my arm laying on a fork, I get my arm up but the fork is stuck on me, I look at it in shock, I look around to see if anybody is looking, I get the fork and start to pull and see a web attach to the fork and to my wrist, I look at it in disbelief, I pull on the fork, and the web ends up shooting across the table and sticks to a bowl of chocolate pudding, I panic, I look around again to see if anybody is watching, I pull back thinking it will rip lose but I was so so wrong, the bowl of pudding ends up flying towards me, I quickly duck and the bowl of chocolate pudding spills over someone else, I look behind me and see a chocolate covered Alex, Alex is the school bully, he gasp in surprise, he turns around and sees me, I panic, I quickly get up, making the bowl of pudding follow me, I hear people saying things, I open the door and I walk out, I pull on the web letting lose of the pudding bowl, I quickly speed walk to my locker, I sigh, as if time slowed, I feel almost everything and hear everything, I feel a kid spitting paper balls at someone, someone throwing a football, and a fly flying around, as if I sense something I quickly move aside making a fist hit my locker, making a big dent, I turn around and see Alex, stink of chocolate pudding.

"Hey Alex c'mon man, you can't fight a girl" I hear one of his friends tells him as he trys to punch me I move my head side to side to dodge his punches.

"Hey leave her alone" I hear (f/n) say, he head to punch my face, I do a back flip to dodge it, I stop and think about what I just did.

"Woah how did she do that" I hear someone say.

"Look Alex I don't want to fight you" I tell him.

"I wouldn't want to fight me eathier" he says as he heads to punch again but I caught his fist and twist his arm, he yelps in pain, and I punch his chest and he lands backwards, everyone stairs at me in awe.

"Woah (y/n) that was amazing" (f/n) tells me as she start walking towards me, I look at my hands and start to run.

"(Y/n) where you going" she yells out to me, I run out of the school and run to an ally, and lay against the wall, I look down at my hands.

"What's happening to me" I ask myself, and turn my right arm upright and see the bite of the spider on my wrist, I look up and notice a spiderweb and see a spider crawling on it, I look at my hands and turn around to look at the wall, and back at my hands, I place one hand to the wall and place my other hand to the wall, and I start to climb, I smile in amazement, I start climbing faster, I look down and see how high am I, I smile.

"Woooo hoooo" I yell and climb all the way up and I start jumping building to building.

"Woo hoo" I say and jump to another building, I stop, and remembered how I shot the web from my wrist.

"Okay how did I did it before" I ask myself, I start making signs and saying words to make the web come ( like in the movie).

"Damn it" I say and I get my two middle fingers and press and a web comes out, I look at my wrist in amazement, I do it again, as a small web comes out, I concentrate and press and a string of web comes and sticks to the metal pole sticking out, I get on the edge and calm my breathing.

"Okay calm down, you can do this" I say to myself, I handle tight to web, I take a deep breath and jump off as I swing down.

"Woohooo this is awesome" I yell out but I see a billboard.

"Oh no, oh no" I say and I try to stop myself but I ended up hitting the board and slide down.


I quickly run home, I get in and see all the lights off, I look at the clock on the wall and see its almost going to be midnight, I walk to the kitchin and see a note on the table, I get it and start to read it.

Hey sweetheart, there's chicken and rice in the fridge, you could heat it up for you to eat, okay, I love you.

From, Dad

I smile, I walk towards the fridge, I get the food, and heat it up and start eating it, I put the dirty dishes and start washing them so they don't need to be washed tomorrow, I walk upstairs, I take a shower, I put on my favorite pajama shorts with a (f/c) shirt on, I lay down on my bed and fall asleep happy tomorrow is going to be Saturday.

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