Chapter 5

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I walked behind Jungkook and said "BOO" . He jumped and screamed . I laughed and ran away .

"Why are you acting like a child today ?" Joon asked .

I just walked away into the practice room

I already had on my workout outfit.

I turned on the speakers to high volume. The song fire started playing and I started dancing .

I know the whole choreography because I'm at every concert that they have so I just kinda learned by watching them .

The song finished and I turned to see all 7 boys staring at me . "Wow" said Hoseok . I just blushed and looked down .

Jimin grabbed my chin and tilted my head up . "You were amazing baby" he said and kissed my cheek .

"Thank you " I said .

"How did you learn this ?" Tae asked "well I'm at all your concerts and I just learned by watching you. I know all choreographies that you dance " I said

"Well then lets dance to Not today " Joon said .

I nodded and smiled .

We danced off and we all clapped and cheered .

"Wow girl you stunning " Tae screamed and I laughed .

"Well that happens when you have amazing role models " I said and winked . I walked out of the room and went to my bathroom to take a shower .

The curtains opened and Jimin stepped in .

I screamed because he scared me so much. "Shhh baby . I'm not gonna do anything. I just want to take care of you " he said and wrapped me in his muscular arms.

I started sobbing . He kissed my head . "Why are you crying baby?" He asked "You know ... my parents never cared about me .... they always loved my sister more , she got everything she wanted and I was the black sheep in the family... they always said that I'm worthless and that they regret having me . "

"Shhh baby . Don't think about it " he said "You're an amazing girl baby , you make us very happy and proud . You're a very strong woman . If someone ever hates on you it is because they're jealous because you're so amazing and stunningly beautiful " he said and kissed me .

He washed my hair and rinsed my body off and I did t the same to him .

When we came downstairs I said that I want all members in the living room .

"Guys I'm so happy that I'm here with you and I love you all so much . I'm the luckiest girl alive to be near you and to be with you " I said

"And we're the luckiest guys alive to have you as ours and here with us . We all love you so much " Hoseok said

"GROUP HUG " I screamed as we all hugged .

My 7 lovers (BTS) (SMUT ) (completed ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now