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                With nobody to stare at, I let my eyes survey the park, like I was  looking for something I had yet to know, like I did a thousand times before, due to boredom. Did I tell you that there was some kind of a small patch of forest you had to get through to be able to get here? Did I tell you there was a tree not so high, just to the right of the bench? Did I tell you that even if it looked old because of its design, the bench was newer compared to the other ones found all around the rest of the park? Did I even tell you the date? I guess not, I don’t even know that myself. But you could say this was the MODERN WORLD, the CITY LIFE.

                Later, there were two persons sitting beside each other on the bench. Both were wearing smiles and looking straight in front of them, at a majestic view, but the man unexpectedly sighed and faced the girl.

                “I don’t know how I should say this… you know, I heard some gossips going around lately. And I think this… this whole thing isn’t doing you good,” he says.

                “I don’t care just what they say. B-but, do you want me to leave?” she instantly replies, the last word of her second sentence barely audible.

                “NO. I would never want that. But they keep saying you’re so young and I’m so old. Selfish as it may seem on my part, I still pray that you please stay by me, Diana.”

                “Prayers answered,” she grabs him by the hand and makes him stand up.

                It was the sweetest thing. Diana and the ‘old man’ were dancing a slow waltz. I blinked and I almost believed what I saw... a tall woman dancing with a man with average height, a lesbian dancing with a gay, other lesbians or gays with straight partners, skinny partnered with plump, impeccable partnered with imperfect, naughty plus nice, good-looking plus plain-looking, “nobody” plus SOMEBODY, a race plus a different race, they were all unalike yet the same. Their dissimilarities were only on the surface, but deep inside each of them, was a feeling undaunted. Think "You and I against the world".

                Other people must now be struggling to find the most appropriate term to describe this. Was it infatuation, passion, obsession, lust, affection, a mutual understanding, special friendship, just a crush?

But I knew just what to call it.


                No other name.

--NOTE (Fun facts):

In the original script, the old man sang part of DIANA by Paul Anka. But we changed the lyrics to "You're so young and I'm so old..."(just that). You can listen to the song if you like, it connects to the scene. XD

LOVE. No  other name.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora