Episode 1: Part 2

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    ''Why am I so gullible...?'' The blonde asked herself as she hanged some signs at the trees.''It's always the reward ugh! Stupid Pacifica'' When she hit the fifth tree with a hammer she heard a clank. This surprised her, making her drop her hammer and is then forced to pick it up and hit it again.

   'This tree isn't supposed to make that kind of sound' She thought to herself as she continued to hit the tree with a hammer, then she gave up and rubbed the metal tree attempting to  open a secret passage and to her surprise it worked. When it opened she can see there was a old -fashioned box with two levers/switches, her mind was full of Curiosity, fear and excitement she flicked the two levers multiple times, she waited for a few minutes and something opened from a grass patch behind her, it was loud so it took her attention. 







    She walked to the hole and saw a book...? She was confused and scared at the same time, thinking of possibilities why the book was here. She grabbed the book and took a closer look at it. There was a golden tophat at the front with a number 3 symbol. Pacifica was now curious and looked at some pages, She was fascinated and couldn't keep her eyes off the pages.

    But her train of thoughts where interrupted when a rustle was heard in the bushes, she quickly hugged the book tight and followed the signs leading to the Mystery Shack. After a few minutes she arrived at the Mystery shack only to see a excited Gideon running out of the Mystery Shack 

 ''Paz! Paz! You wouldn't believe what happened while you were gone!'' He excitedly said as he was jumping up and down.

 ''What is it Gideon? Sheesh it's like you're on a sugar rush'' She sighed as her male friend was still jumping up and down

  ''Thisboyhasadate!'' He said in a fast tone but kinda slowed down so that Pacifica can understand

 ''I'm only gone  for a few minutes and you already have a date?! Impressive can I meet her?'' Pacifica asked him and is almost dizzy, her eyes chasing Gideon as he jumped up and down

 ''Later she'll be here and I got to look handsome in my date!'' Gideon stopped jumping and ran to his house. ''Woop! Woop!'' He shouted as he ran to his house to prepare. Pacifica sighed as she proceeded to walk to the Mystery Shack.

    She walked into the house part of the Mystery Shack and sat on a sofa reading her new found journal. Suddenly Bill came in and Pacifica quickly hid the journal and found a magazine beside the sofa. ''What ya reading kid?'' Bill asked her.

 ''Oh! I just was catching up on a... Gold Tuxedos For Doritos Like you Magazine?'' Pacifica read from the front of the magazine.

 ''Oh that's a good issue, aaabbbooouuuttt page 23 is the best.'' Bill suggested

 ''Erm.. Alright?'' Pacifica replied flipping pages of the magazine

      Just then Gideon walked in at the entrance wearing a very very very sparkly designed blue jacket matching with blue jeans and blue tennis shoes,''How do I look?'' Gideon asked the both of them.

 ''You look sparkly, very sparkly and very blue mostly sparkly though'' Pacifica commented

 ''She'll love the shiny gold thingies'' Bill added and Pacifica just twitched her right eye at his comment 

 ''Great I'll-'' He was cut off when there was countless ringing at the doorbell.''That must be her!'' Gideon squealed and rushed to the door.

 ''What do you think she'll look like?'' Bill asked Pacifica

 ''I don't know'' She replied and twitches her eye 

 ''Are you jelly?'' Bill replied

 ''Wait what!? NO!''Pacifica stood up surprised at his conclusion. Then Gideon came in with his new girlfriend.

 ''Hey family! Say hello to my new girlfriend!'' Gideon shouted to gain both of their attention, beside him was a girl with a purple hoodie on covering most of her face, blue jeans matching Gideon's and blue tennis shoes, she also has a mysterious red stain on her face,''Hiya!'' The girl said as if she was trying to be cheerful but failing.

 ''Uhh hi...'' Pacifica waved while Bill waved as well ''How's it hanging?''Bill also added.

 ''We met at the cemetery.. She's really cute...''Gideon compliments her while the girl was showing no emotions

 ''What's her name?'' Bill asked Gideon

 ''NormalGIRL!'' The hooded girl blurted out.''She means Malgi'' Gideon added, Pacifica and Bill just stared blankly at them, confusion written all over their faces.

 ''What is that red thing on your face?'' Pacifica asked Malgi as she points to the red stain on her face.''It's uhh.. JAM'' Malgi replied.''I love jam! Look-at-this!'' Gideon squealed at how he and his girlfriend liked the same thing, ''So uhh ready to go on a date?'' Malgi asked Gideon.''Alrighty! Don't wait up family!'' Gideon said then rushed to the outside. Malgi followed Gideon slowly as if she had a difficulty to walk.'There was something about Malgi that wasn't right...' Pacifica thought to herself.

    Some time later Pacifica was up at the attic reading her journal finding a page that could've suit Malgi then she found a page about vampires. 

  ''Known for their pale skin and bad attitudes, these creatures are often mistaken as teenagers!? Beware Mirror Falls's nefarious vampires!?''  Pacifica gasped at her discovery 'No it couldn't be.... I mean should it?' she thought to herself. While in another room Bill was reading until he heard Pacifica's shouting,''Did somebody say.. campfires? Or was it crampires? Crampires isn't even a noun,verb,proverb,or a adjective! I'm losing my mind who made these words!?'' Bill asked himself and is paranoid of his newly found discovery.

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