Chapter 1 - In the pool

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The water felt cold on my paw as Bobby gently slipped me into the hotel pool and placed my head onto the pink surfboard. It felt really nice. The water was cool on my fur after a morning of lying around in the hot sun. Bobby pushed the board a little and I floated along slowly, enjoying gliding through the water as it soaked through my tail. Letitia was by the pool trying to angle the camera to get the best shot. I was enjoying this. I felt like a glitzy doggy model posing for photos. All this lying around made a welcome break from the antics of the night before involving that bottle of Bacardi..but I'll come onto that later.
I decided to slip off the board and float a little. Bobby helped me turn over so I could cool my back down. What bliss this was, going on holiday was great! I liked Spain a lot and the food was lovely.
Letitia had finished taking photos of me and gave the camera to Bobby to carry on taking photos. As it was an underwater camera Bobby could take some photos of me in the water. I loved this as it showed how well I could float in the water. Bobby was very clever with this camera, the photos he took were amazing. After he finished it was time to get out and leave the pool to dry off. Too much time in the pool would wrinkle my fur and I had to look after myself. After all I was a doggy model!

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