Chapter 9 - Pizza

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One evening we all went to have some pizza. We went to a Town not very far away in a taxi. When we got out there were lots of shops and people. There was a man painting in the street and he had some really lovely pictures. I wish I could paint like that maybe that's something I will do on my next holiday. We all were feeling very hungry so we found a nice pizza place and ordered our food. I was going to share with Bobby. He likes the Hawaiian one and always has that. It's my favourite too as I love ham and pineapple. Yum! Sometimes my fur gets sticky with the juice from the pineapple but it's still worth it. The food took ages to come but when it did we noshed it all up. Augustus did not like his but Tabitha loved hers. Letitia had ordered a salad and a pizza and couldn't finish either. Typical.
Afterwards we all went to the sweet shop and I got a special treat, some doggie biscuits!! My favourite. Oh I love being on holiday.
We were all tired by now so we looked for s taxi to take us back to the hotel. Back in our room we played a card game called bluff. It was so funny as everyone had to cheat in order to win.
I helped Bobby play .. it was great fun! What a clever doggy model I am!

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