Chapter 5 - Rock Climbing

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Gosh this was harder than it looked. Much harder than I thought it was going to be. I made sure I was prepared, I'd stretched and warmed up. Bobby was with me to make sure if I fell he would catch me. So I began to climb in the midday sun which was probably a bad time to start but I wanted to do it sooo much I couldn't wait anymore! I hauled myself up one paw at a time slowly onto the rocky ledge. I knew Bobby was watching and that made me feel safe. I also knew there was a long cool drink waiting for us at the top. So I used all my strength and energy to keep climbing. Past the branches, the flowers and the ants! Oh those little ants were crawling on my paw. Yuk! And then I saw the top. It was so near now, just another paw up and yes!! I was there!! By now Bobby was also leaping up the rocks to catch up with me and he was grinning. He knew how good this was. He also knew how good that ice cold apple juice was going to taste right now..  as we both slurped on our straws and caught our breath we wondered what we would do next. And then our eyes fell on the snorkel ..

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