Chapter 3 - In the bar

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Boys and girls I did a very bad thing. I think the sun and excitement had gone to my head and I became a bit naughty. Normally I'm a very good doggy but last night I was in the bar and I was feeling very thirsty. I think eating breadsticks doesn't help as Letitia said eating salty things make you more thirsty. The thing is Letitia was drinking a lovely glass of water with ice and lemons and flowers and I decided to get some myself. The nice senorita at the bar helped me get the same water as Letitia and wowser did it taste good .. in fact it was so good I had another glass. I needed to stay hydrated or so everyone said. I felt very happy. So happy that I had some more and then started to play with the hanging tree branches with Bobby. But then I started to feel sick .. and then was sick in a bowl. Tabitha found us and wondered what was going on..I told her I had drunk some water, it was called Bacardi I think but now I didn't feel so well. Maybe the ice cubes had been bad? But Tabitha got very cross and said I was very naughty and had been drinking Rum! Oh my goodness!! How did that happen?? Anyway she wouldn't listen to me and sent me to my room .. whoops! Even doggy models get it wrong some times..

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