Chapter 10 - Flying home

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I was feeling sad today. We were going home and I didn't want to go. I loved being here with Bobby, Tabitha, Letitia and Uncle Augustus. We had a lovely time together. We were all different but we all laughed together. Sometimes at each other as we did silly things and said funny things. But that's what holidays are about, just being silly and spending time together and making everyone laugh. I had enjoyed all the things I had done and didn't want it to stop. But Tabitha and Bobby had to go to school and Augustus and Letitia had to go to work.
So I packed my suitcase and got in the taxi to the airport with the others. But we had arrived too early and had to wait before they would take our suitcases. Everyone was annoyed and Letitia was huffing and puffing, like she always does when someone disagrees with her.
But soon we checked in and we were in the chocolate shop yippee!! Bobby and Tabitha bought the biggest bag of M&Ms and Toblerone I had EVER seen. I would be keeping my eye on that for sure! Soon we were on the plane and I settled for a snooze.. bye bye Mallorca..
The landing was a bit bumpy but we were soon collecting our suitcases. Outside it was freezing, even my fur could not keep me warm. I felt sorry for the others as they were still in their T-shirts, tee hee! The nice taxi driver Rupert met us outside and we were on our way. It was really good to be home at last .. I will miss the sun and the sea but hopefully we will come back one day..Us doggy models need our holidays after all !

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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