Seven Deadly Sins

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Name: Maria Walter

Age: 18

Gender: female

Race: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Maria is a very fun girl who's always getting into trouble. She's very loving and protective of those she cares for. Although she may seem like a lovely girl she has a terrible temper and won't hesitate to snap at anyone and put them back in their place.

Crush: Melodias

Holy Knight: Yes

Weapons: twin daggers and a short sword


Black Knight-  This is an attack with her twin daggers. She focuses her magic to surround the blades of the daggers, and makes them look like two separate people going in for an attack on her opponent.

Shadow Partner Destruction- In this attack her sword creates a duplicate of itself and its wielder out of the shadow of the wielder. They attack simultaneously, causing explosions with every attack.

Repulsed- Using this combination of speed and magic it allows Maria to evade any attack thrown at her by creating an exact duplicate of herself as an after image of where she was before, but she can only use this move three times per day.


Backstory: She grew up working in the Palace, training to become the personal guard of Princess Elizabeth. They became best friends. Even after She disappeared after many people were out to control the royal family she helped Elizabeth escape. After a few years away she found Elizabeth at the Boar Hat and now stayed with her and the Sins helping out on their adventures and protecting Elizabeth.

How much of the anime have you watched?: I've seen the entire anime that's on Netflix but I haven't seen it for a few months

Other: She's a very hyperactive girl who loves the thrill of adventure. She'll spend most of her time working with Elizabeth at the Boar Hat.


Normal village atire: wears what she's wearing in the media

Work: wears the Boar Hat "uniform" (Meliodus you little perv. '>~<)

Battle: has a set of dark purple and black armor that's styled a bit like Jerico's.

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