Nagisa gets a girlfried

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A/N- ok so I'm basing this chapter off a ship I have of my friend Alexis and if she sees thing I am going to die 0-0..... Ok let's get to typing!

(2 weeks later)

You and nagisa were talking before class started. After 30 mins Koro-sensei walked in and you all took a seat.

(Time skip to 2 hours later)

Mr.karasuma walked in with a girl by his side. You and nagisa both dropped your jaws when you saw your old child hood friend Alexis.

Mr.karasuma- today we have a new student. Her name is Alexis and I hope you respect her. She is very skilled in killing just like Mrs. (Y/L).

Before Alexis could move you and nagisa ran and hugged her.

(Y/n)- it's good to see you again!
Nagisa- what's happened?! Why did you disappear on us?!
Alexis- my family had moved to California (I also ship Alexis with markiplier :p)
(Y/n)- well it's good to see you again!

You all went back and sat down.

(Time skip to the week end)

(Y/n)- ok so now that mom is gone how about we set up for the sleep over.
Nagisa- ok.

You guys set up multiple things suck as
The pocky game, movies, spin the bottle, music, and started a camp fire in the back yard. (Yes I know they live in an apartment but just pretend they live in a house) after an hour every one showed up... Including karma....

(3 hours layer)
Okuda- it seems Alexis and nagisa are getting along!
Karma- you could say that again.
Yuma- well I think (y/nn) (your nick name) set up spin the bottle.
Karma- good think koro-sens- never mind.

In the corner you all saw koro-sensei with a pink face and a not pad. You grabbed the quirt bottle and used it on him

(Y/n)- no. Bad koro bad.

He moves away fast after you sprayed him and let out a Yelp. After that he took off with some cake.

(End of the night)

(Y/n)- where the hell did nagisa go....?

You walked into his room and saw Alexis and nagisa...

Kissing. They pulled away embarrassed.

(Y/n)- I'll just leave you two alone.

When you closed the door you turned around only to run into someone. Oh looked up to see karma.

Karma- hey (y/n).....

You didn't respond.

Karma- I want to talk to you about something. 

He leaned in closer to you as you blushed a little and next thing you know he..........

Hahaha! Cliff hanger >:)

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