Chapter:1 Moving and meeting

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  Today is the day Arabella and her brother move from Toronto, Canada to Los Angeles,California. Her brother Shawn is going on tour around the country (America) there first stop is LA.
  As she was packing up a tear dripped down her face she was thinking about everything she would miss her friends and her family. She zipped her last suitcase and put it next to the others. Arabella had just been laying on her bed when Shawn yells "Ari you ready?" She sat up and grabbed her things then walked out to the hallway. The two hugged their parents and said their goodbyes. Shawn drove them to the airport. They waited to board the plane for about an hour then they got on. The ride was going to be a good 6 hours so they had to get comfy. Arabella put in her headphones and stared out the window she thought  I hope to god this turns out well.
  When she woke up she realized they had landed her and Shawn got of the plane and made there way to their two bedroom condo by then it was about 10 and they were heading to bed.
  When she woke up she realized today was the day of the first concert. So to let of stress she took a walk. She was on Hollywood Blvd and she saw...HAYES GRIER!! she stopped and made sure her hair looked okay. She tried not to let him know she was blushing as she walked by he glanced at her, she looked away then she felt a hand on her shoulder she turned and was him. She stood in shock then finally realized oh Yea I actually have to say something she said hey and he just stared at her as if there was a huge pimple on her face. After a few seconds of awkward silence he finally said "hi" then asked if one time she would like to one time go out for ice cream. Of course she said yes and then they exchanged numbers and parted ways. The rest of the afternoon that's all she could think about. She basically just toured the city and chilled at local entertainments. By the time she got back it was around two and Shawn and her had to prepare the stage.
  They set helped set up speakers and other stuff then people started to come in.

POV: Caterina

As Cat and her sister Cameron got ready for the new artist Shawn mendes concert they were talking and doing their makeup they were wearing matching outfits of a red crop top and ripped jeans they hurried downstairs and went out the door Cameron drove them and sooner or later they arrived. So many people were there so they couldn't find a seat in the front so they went to the middle . The concert had just started and the music actually wasn't that bad and everyone was jamming. In the middle of the third song a girl from the from came to where we were. Cam and I just looked at each other and shrugged. She dropped her phone right in front of my feet so I decided to pick it up. After that we began talking about just silly stuff then she mentioned her last name. I looked at Cameron and we were surprised I asked "wait what did you say" she repeated herself and said "Arabella Mendes" Then Cam said "wait isn't that the name of this singer?" Arabella replied and explained the situation... she was Shawn's sister and he was on tour and she tagged along. She explained that she knew Cameron Dallas,Jack J,and Jack G. I was so surprised because Cameron Dallas was my celebrity crush. But anyway we got to talking and decided that after the concert she would bring Cam and I to meet Shawn. So we all just hung out with each other during the rest of the concert.

(To be Continued...sorry first chapter is always short)

Living LAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora