Chapter 5

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Arabella's POV

"Which bathing suit should I wear" Cat asked me
" just pick the simple white one" I said smirking
"K" she replies
  We were getting ready to go to Cameron's I was excited to see Hayes, I know it's only been like a day since we've seen each other but I love him..and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. Today i decided to do a simple look since it was a swim party. I decided that for my make up I would just fill in my brows, put on foundation and do some mascara. For my outfit I wore some white shorts with a black crop top that had the California flag on it and underneath i had a  rose gold marble bathing suit.
  Cat was wearing basically the same as me shorts and a crop top. We were talking and she mentioned that Cameron said me and her could come over around three. I said sure bc it was like 2:45 and we were already ready so it just made sense. So I texted Hayes.
Arabella: hey we are about to leave to head over to Cameron's house need anything?
Hayes: only you😍
Arabella: I think I can manage to do that💖
Hayes: alright no texting and driving I'll see you soon be safe
Arabella: okay will do see you soon
  I showed Cat the messages and she freaked out and everything. But the thing is we weren't even dating yet and to be honest I really wanted to be he just hadn't asked yet, I'm just hoping he will... soon.
  We got out of the car and Cat knocked on the door Cameron answered and the cutest thing happened he saw her and picked her up and hugged her. Even though I was just standing there it was so damn cute. I saw Hayes and I ran and jumped in his arms. We hugged for a while then he put me down. Cat just smiled at me, I could tell she truly did like Cameron and he really did like her. We decided to hang around bye the pool and just talk. After a little bit we decided to get in because let me tell you it was freaking hot. Hayes was the first one in as always. Me and cat were sitting on the side and Cameron did a cannonball and soaked us... well soaked cat and just splashed me. We just ended up getting in because we realized it wasn't that cold. We swam around and chilled on the floaties then ended up playing chicken I was on Hayes' shoulders and Cat was on Cameron's. It was a struggle but me and Hayes ended up winning. But honestly I fell off like milli second after Cat so I think it was more of a tie. Right as the game ended the guys started showing up.
  We decided to dry off and go inside. We just watched some tv i was laying on Hayes' chest and he was playing with my hair. I loved it this is just what I wanted a guy who is truly a gentleman and sweet. I fell asleep. (1 hour later) I woke up and looked around everyone was gone except Hayes. They were outside.
" Why didn't you go out with them?"
" Because you were asleep and you looked peaceful so I stayed inside with you" he said
  " awwwwe" I said as I stared into his ocean eyes.
He grabbed my hand said "let's go." I followed him into the backyard everyone turned and looked at us. Shawn gave him that look like if you hurt my sister your face will be hurt he just turned and looked at me I giggled. He turned and looked at Shawn and Shawn just smirked. After a little bit Shawn pulled me to the side
  "Whatttt" I said annoyed
   "The next stop on tour is Texas" he said. I just thought oh yeah he's on tour. Then I realized I would lose all this if I went with him.
  "Um..when" I said kinda stuttering
"In two days flights tomorrow at 4"
  "No Shawn I can't no I just can't can I please stay please please...I'm sure cats mom would let me stay with them or something or I could just stay in the condo"
  He just looked at me he knew this was coming and he gave me that look like.. he was going to make me go with Him I couldn't stand it. A tear dropped down my face I wiped it away and walked inside. 
  "Let me get this" I heard cat say I heard the door open and close then footsteps coming toward me. She sat down next to me and didn't say anything until I looked up at her I had my face in my hands and
I was crying. I explained the situation to her. Before I could even finish she said it's either your moving in my house or we can share the condo. I kinda giggled because she was so determined. I told her that I don't care what we did as long as we got Shawn's approval. We walked back into the yard I could tell Shawn told the guys what happened because I looked at Hayes and he was just staring at me..everyone was actually. We confronted Shawn we debated for at least fine minutes he finally said   "Arabella I love you and as long as you are staying either at the condo or with someone we know just please call dad and tell him." I screamed I was so excited. I hugged Cat wicked tight and we just were so happy. I looked at Hayes and he looked happy.
  I jumped in and hugged Hayes. He said "I love you and everything about you.. and when Shawn told me that you might be leaving with him my heart dropped and to see you cry made me feel so bad...and and and..." I stopped him and kissed him right there right then. He looked at me and said "Will you Arabella Skye Mendes be my girlfriend?"
  "Finally" I heard someone say in the back I think it was Cat but of course I said yes. Yes yes yes a million times yes. I loved that boy with all my heart.

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