Chapter 3

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Arabella's POV

So Cat and Cameron were really hitting it off and I was so happy for them. Me and Hayes hadn't really talked but we kept looking at each other and blush like A LOT. Tomorrow Cat,Cam,Cameron and jack were gonna go on a coffee date so my plans...well there were none. Until Hayes walked over and sat next to me
"Hey um, would you maybe wanna hang out at uh, my house and maybe chill?" Hayes said trembly and he seemed kinda nervous.
"Sure." I said pretty chill but on the inside I was flipping bc I really like him.
He went back over with they guys and seemed pretty happy and I turned to the side and told Cat everything we were so happy for each other! It was I don't even know what time it was when a park ranger came up to us and told us that the beach closed at 12, and it was past then so, we had to pack up and leave. Cat,Cam, and I were getting to be really close. Since we really wanted to still hang out with each other we decided to all stay at Shawn and I's condo.
We called Cats and Cams mom and she seemed wicked chill because she said just said "Sure just be safe." So for the sleeping arrangements Cam,Cat and I slept in my room and for the guys they were either on the couch or in Shawn's room. We weren't quite going to bed yet so we decided to watch a movie we all snuggled on the couch and oddly I was next to Hayes on one side and Cat on the other. Then on the other side of Cat sat Cameron (The guy) and Then Cam was next to Jack. Hayes and I just laid together and talked.
The movie finally ended and we decided to go to bed we said goodnight to all they guys and I gave a hug to Shawn and we went into my room. I had a pullout couch so that's where Cat and Cam would sleep. Before we got settled in I took off my makeup,brushed my teeth,washed my face and then changed I gave Cam and Cat some pajamas and we got into bed. I was texting Hayes even though he was in the living room. He was being kinda flirty and I was too. Finally I shut off my phone and went to bed.
In the morning I was the first was up as always so I cleaned up a bit then started breakfast I made pancakes since those are easy and feed a lot. I was about half way done and everyone started waking up. Shawn walked out of his room as said
"Dang something smells good out here" he rubbed his eyes then looked up and said "Crap ari are you making pancakes"
"Yes, for my self " I said.
"Tell me your lying" he said frowning
" I am " I laughed and just got happier. The girls started to wake up and so did the guys they all sat down and the counter and served themselves.
"Pigs" I said under my breath. Hayes looked up and with pancakes in his mouth he said, "Huh?"
I hit his head and said "nothing go back to eating" he did as I said and continued eating. After the guys and Cat and Cam packed up and left so I decided to get ready for my makeup I just did a natural look and some nude lipstick. For my out fit I was wearing light wash ripped jeans, a black crop top and as an accessory I just put on a watch.

  I decided to text Hayes to arrange out date thing

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I decided to text Hayes to arrange out date thing.
Me: Hey what time is good for you to hang out today
Hayes: Anytime that's good for you😊
Me: How about in a half an hour?
Hayes: Sounds good see you then?
Me yup!👌🏼

So since we were going to hang out in a half an hour I told Shawn I was leaving and grabbed some Starbucks. I got a cotton candy frappe. The drive to his house was like 15 minutes so I planned it perfectly. When I got there I rang the doorbell and Hayes answered in some sweatpants and no shirt. His house was freaking huge when you walked in the stairs were right there.

 It looked like that we took the stairs up and went to there man cave type of thing

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It looked like that we took the stairs up and went to there man cave type of thing. We played pool,watched tv and then just hung around . He said he had to show me something so we went out back.
"I don't see anything" I said
Then next thing I know I was picked up by the legs and thrown over his shoulder. I was screaming for him to pul we down so he did. But not on land HE DROPPED ME IN THE POOL. I came up and just looked at him.
"Look out below there I come" he took off his shirt and jumped in. I acted like I was mad and turned around and crossed my arms. I wasn't though it was actually really fun he came up behind me and hugged me and said "Please don't be mad"
I turned around and hugged him and said "I'm not."
We ended up just hanging around the pool for a little while then, I had to go because go clean up the house and stuff. So I drive home, mind you in my soaking wet clothes, I didn't really mind though because I really liked Hayes and I think he really likes me too but, he just hasn't asked me out and I wished he would. Anyway when I got home I changed into comfy clothes and cleaned up Cat came over too. Cam couldn't because she had to work. So me and Cat just hung out. She hadn't went out to coffee yet so I told her all about my day and of course she laughed but so did I. She ended up having to leave to go out to coffee but she was going to comeback tomorrow so she would tell me about it then. But for the rest of the day I just had a me day hand hung around.


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