Chapter Twelve

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"May cats of the clowder gather around for the youngcat ceremony of Glow!"

River's voice echoed throughout the room. Snowflake pricked her ears and raised her head; she had been eating a rat.

Glow raced over to River. Snowflake, James, Cocoa and Bird had been the first to gather around. Mud sat at the very edge of the crowd, his golden eyes narrowed.

But Glow seemed to be fine; his face showed only happiness.

River's tail flicked. "With the power of the Ghostcats running through my veins, I call upon Snuggle to approve of this kitten becoming a youngcat."

Snowflake flinched. It had been the first time anyone had said Snuggle's name since the day he died. But she shook her pelt, calming herself down. She was happy for Glow.

"Snuggle? Snuggle, of all cats?!" Mud interrupted, fur bristling as he stood up.

Snowflake narrowed her eyes at Mud; Glow twisted around to see him.

"Mud, sit back down and be quiet!" River commanded.

"Why not Autumn?!" Mud demanded, stomping a paw.

"Mud! Can you be quiet!?" Glow hissed at his father.

Snowflake flicked her tail in shock; this was the first time Glow had finally talked back to his father. She looked at James; his eyes were shining. "About time," he whispered.

"Do not disrespect me like that!" Mud hissed. "I am your father!"

"You sure don't act like it," Glow retaliated.

Surprised but happy gasps echoed throughout the room.

Mud hissed and turned away, walking toward the entrance.

Glow narrowed his eyes. "Is that it? You're just walking out? In the middle of your son's youngcat ceremony?"

Mud paused.

Glow sighed. "Fine. Walk out. Because I don't need you; I haven't needed you, and I won't need you."

Mud turned around at him, hurt showing in his eyes.

But Glow didn't even flinch.

Mud turned back around and exited.

Snowflake couldn't help but cheer for Glow. James, Cocoa, Bird, and eventually the rest of the clowder joined in.

Glow skipped back to River. "So, are we continuing this, or what?"

River smiled. "With the power of the Ghostcats running through my veins, I call upon Snuggle to approve of this kitten becoming a youngcat." He rested his muzzle on Glow's head.

Snowflake almost started shaking as Snuggle appeared next to River. He gazed at Glow with love, then turned to River and whispered something in his ear. Then, he disappeared.

River raised his head. "Snuggle approves!" He cheered.

The clowder burst with excitement, cheering Glow's name again.

Glow's eyes shined.

Snowflake had never seen him happier.

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