Chapter Eighteen

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Snowflake's ears twitched before she began to tremble. A fox had killed Snuggle, and now there was another one here to kill someone else.

The large creature burst into the room, it's bushy tail lashing and it's lips curled back in a snarl. Cats leaped at it; she could make out Stars's unique pelt in front of the fox.

Snowflake shook her head and ran over, swiping her claws across it's shoulder.

The fox winced, then let out a ferocious growl.

Then a scene.

A scene all-too familiar. Everything was a blur; all she could make out was the fox.

And the scarlet.

Blood seeped from someone's body.

"NO!" James's voice bounced from the walls as he raced over to the bloody body. He growled at the fox. "You will pay!"

Snowflake focused again and aimed her blows at the same place on the fox's shoulder.

The fox let out a horrible screech, and it ran away.

Snowflake looked back to the bloody body.

It was Stars.

James loomed over her, eyes producing tears like a waterfall. He could hardly breathe. "P-Please wake up, please.."

Stars didn't wake up.

Snowflake crept over. The queen's face was forever frozen in a snarl; she had been fighting for her clowder until the end.

James plopped down beside his mother, clearly not caring about getting blood on his fur. "Stars! I'm so sorry, mother! I'm sorry I couldn't protect you! I'm sorry that I went to that creepy building! I'm sorry that i've always taken you for granted!" He probably would have said more if he wasn't sobbing.

Snowflake felt grief for Stars, but her sympathy for James was stronger. "Oh.. I don't believe.. I don't know.. James.." Snowflake could barely make out the words.

James trembled.

All Snowflake could do was curl up next to him.

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