Chapter Twenty-Five

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A few more months passed.

Cookiedough gave birth to Puddle's kittens. The first one was a long-haired light brown queen with green eyes named Sweets. The other was a white tom with a brown tabby tail and green eyes named Tree Trunk. Surprisingly, Mouse was happy to welcome them.

Dove, Flame and Coal became youngcats.

Snowflake's belly had grown, strangely.

"Snowflake?" Glow padded over to his friend.

"Huh? What?" Snowflake replied.

"How's your belly?" He asked.

Snowflake blinked in confusion. "Just as it's always felt.. Why?"

"Why? Don't tell me 'why,' birdbrain!"

Snowflake raised an eyebrow.

"Don't tell me you, of all cats, hasn't noticed."

Snowflake's nose twitched. "No need to be rude, Glow. Every cat puts on a little weight every now and then."

Glow gave her a look that said are you serious? "Snowflake, you're probably carrying James's kittens."

Snowflake's tail flicked and her expression showed surprise. "..Oh."

Glow swished his tail. "You might want to tell James, then announce it to the clowder."

Snowflake nodded and scanned the room for the black and white tomcat. He was having a friendly chat with Cocoa and Bird. Snowflake gestured with her tail for Glow to follow and padded over to him, her orange tabby friend right behind her. "James, there's something important I need to tell you," Snowflake meowed as she approached the three cats.

James pricked his ears. "Oh? What is it?" He asked.

"Yeah, what is it, kitten?" Cocoa added, peering over James's shoulder.

Suddenly, fear ran down Snowflake's spine. What if James rejected having anything to do with her or their kittens, just like Liam did to Carrot? No, James was different than that. But how did she tell him this? Snowflake sighed; it'd be easier just to say it immediatley without thinking instead of saying it after thinking.

"I'm expecting your kittens," Snowflake blurted out.

A happy gasp came from James. "Really?" He meowed, standing up and smiling. His tail tip twitched. "That's great!" He nuzzled Snowflake.

Snowflake purred and closed her eyes,

"Looks like we're not the only ones," Bird said, looking at Cocoa.

Cocoa nodded in reply.

James pulled away from Snowflake. "Our kittens will be so beautiful, just you wait!"

Snowflake smiled. "I can't wait!"

"OH--we have to tell the clowder! Come on!" James raced over to River's ledge, where the alpha was snoozing. Snowflake quickly followed him.

"River!" James called up to the ledge.

River's head rose from his paws. "What is it, James?"

"We have an announcement for the clowder," Snowflake purred.

River smiled down at them and leaped from his ledge. "May cats of the clowder gather around for an announcement from James and Snowflake!"

Blizzard raced over quickly, along with Cocoa, Bird and Glow.

Snowflake had never been happier. Her and James's tails intertwined. "Me and James have been.. Interested in each other for quite a while, and--"

"And we're expecting kittens!" James blurted out, too excited to wait.

Snowflake purred as the clowder cheered for her and James. She pressed herself to him. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," he purred.

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