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"There was peace for centuries before the wars destroyed our country. The peace is lost. Assassins are needed to save us from the enemies, the terrorists. But, it's going to take time to gather and find the girls for the job." That's what the president said three years ago, right before he started taking children. But he's just being a coward by making kids fight.

The president's minions made facilities in each state. The facility in my state is in my town of Nashville, Tennessee. The president's men go to many towns, but only take girls from two. Most are farming towns filled with forests and countrysides. Mine is the second on the list, the last one on the list. I pull back the curtain and look out the window to see what's going on. Men are taking girls from their homes. Girls are kicking and trying to get free. But, try as they might, the men (Or teenagers, it's hard to tell), are too strong. And it's not enough.

Some girls are flanked by 2 or even 3 men. Girls everywhere are being taken, even if they have to be dragged out. It's total chaos. I'm only 9. The president has this idea, he said that we need kids to fight for us in this war, World War 5. I think he's a lazy butt.

I live with my Mom, Dad, and brother. One man comes to the door and walks in. He says, "Your daughter will come with us and be trained to be a fighter to save our country!" He sounds like he's tired of saying that, and he doesn't sound too happy. And, if I'm not mistaken, he sounds sad. The man has brown hair. And eyes so dark, they look like black pits. It might be the reflection, but it still scares me a little. He looks like a demon come to take our souls. Which is exactly what he's here to do. I look up at him.

I gather my courage and say, "I'm not going."

He flinches at my answer. "Look, kid, I don't want to take you anymore then you want to go. But..."

"But what?" I say more harshly than intended, "You'll get fired?"

"No. My family will get killed." Hearing that one of these men that are evil and cruel have families that love them doesn't make sense to me.

I decided to be nice so, "Will I be able to see my family again?" I don't want to leave my family, but I know it is the only choice I have.

The man kneels down so he's eye level with me, probably trying to be nicer to me than the others. "Every day after training." He says in a calm, soothing voice, "Just like after school. You just.... won't wake up here." He looks away. I can tell he doesn't want to do this. He doesn't enjoy taking little girls from their families.

"I..." I pause to think, "Fine. I'll go." I decide it is best if I don't put up a fight. Or my family will pay for my mistake. I give my family one last hug. "I love you," I whisper into my mom and dad's ear.

"We don't care what you do, we still love you. Just don't tell them your secret." My Dad whispers in my ear. I nod and walk out the door with the man. My brother, Sam, runs out the door to give me a hug. He's only 3. He doesn't know what's going on. He just knows that I am leaving.

I whisper to him, "Behave for Mom and Dad. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes." He says in his little voice. I hug him 'till the man taps me on the shoulder. I send Sam back to Mom and Dad and start walking with the man again. I look at him. This time I realize, he isn't a man, but a mere boy. He has short brown hair and his eyes, they aren't black pits, but they are a dark brown.

"What's your name?" I ask, don't ask me when I decided to ask him. I just blurted it out. But, it's probably a good way to ease the tension. He looks at me as if he is surprised I asked. I'm about to say sorry when he says,

"Will. What's your's?" It's nice to have someone to talk to. Even with all this chaos.

"Silvestra. I know it sounds weird." I turn around to take one last look at my home. I know I'll see them again. But it feels like it would take forever. My family is waving to me.

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