Chapter 10

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"Sil!" Kat calls.

I land on my back in the green grass. Right behind the soldiers. I try to take a breath but I'm winded. I roll onto my hands and knees, gasping for air.

The sudden disturbance causes everybody in the clearing to look at me. I'm still gasping, trying to get air into my burning lungs.

A familiar voice says, "She's hurt!" Then I pass out.


I look down in horror as Sil collapses on the grass. I motion for April and Eren to stay where they are. I carefully climb to the ground and rush over to Sil.

"Who are you?" One of the boys says. He has a thick British accent. Looks like I found my dream man.

"We're assassins." I say, rolling Sil onto her back.

The British boy mumbles under his breath, "You assassins are filthy scum."

There goes that dream. I stand and walk over to the boy. Then I surprise him by giving him a bitch slap. My hand connects with his face three times.

He cradles his face. Then looks at his General, "Help me here." He pleads.

"Nah. This is amusing me too much." His comment comes out sarcastic. But I can sense a hint of truth to it, "It's nice to know that my specially trained men are not doing anything I taught them. And are taking this from a girl."

I turn to the man, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. But, us girls can kick your ass."

The British boy gasps, "How dare y-"

"Zip it." I say through clenched teeth.

Jake glares at me then shouts, "Attention!" The soldiers get into a line shoulder to shoulder and salute to Jake, "Now, i am very disappointed in all of you. Only one of my twenty men, did the correct thing. Thank you, James.

He nods behind me. I turn to see James pinching Sil's nose and covering her mouth with his. He's giving her CPR!

If this was a different situation, i would have rubbed it in her face. But right now, i was just worried about Sil and her well being.

Sil took a ragged breath. She looks up at James and smiles, "Thanks." She whispered.

"Hey, anything for a friend." I helped James prop Sil up. Sil yelps.

"James," Jake orders, "Help these two back to the facility."

"Yes, sir!" Sil gets up to walk but yelps again. James hooks his arm under Sil's shoulder. I do the same.

When we get out of earshot from the soldiers Sil asks, "Where's April and Eren."

"I sent them back to the Facility."

"That, or, they didn't listen and are waiting for us up ahead."

"What makes you say that?" James asks. Sil points up ahead. Me and James look for whatever Sil pointed to. But there's nothing there.

"Um. Sil? Are you ok? There's no one there."

"Are you sure?"


"Eh." She shrugs it off.

When we get to the place Sil pointed to, April jumps out from behind a tree, "Kat, you actually thought I would listen to you?"

I sigh, "I was hoping you'd think for once in your lifetime."

Sil giggles, "Since when does the brunette squad listen?"

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