Chapter 18

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That night, I couldn't fall asleep. Time slowly ticks by as thoughts turn like gears in my head. I felt like I was forgetting something, just couldn't figure out what.

It didn't help that the voice knew my name. Yes, he just wanted to call me something else. But I can't shake the feeling that there is something he isn't telling me. 

In the morning, my body aches from lack of sleep. I count and discover I only got two hours of sleep. I grab a cup of coffee Kat keeps on hand. I try to wipe away the dark rings under my eyes, with no progress.

It doesn't help that we're training for elements today. Seriously, I don't understand why we need them. Is it just me or does it sound cliche?

He likes us up in orderly rows, all facing him. He waits for it to grow silent, then he speaks. "Four elements, fifteen of you left. We will try to have at the very least three of you in each element." The General paces up and down the line, "Tundra! You must be quick and light on your feet."

Kat glances at me and smiles, "That's me."

I nudge her with my elbow, "That's what you think."

"Desert! Resourceful and tough. Mountain! Sure-footed and you must have good grip. Forest! You must be all of the above. Or at least most of it."

I mean over to Kat, "Looks like no one is going for a walk in the woods."

She snickers in response. The General continues, "The reason for elements is because the terries have bases all over the world in different regions and biomes. This will make it easier to take them down. Everyone will have one Biome mastered. That is the place you will take down bases."

We all nod in understanding. "Good, now you will all be tested at once in the same place and I will evaluate you. Step through here." He makes a swooping motion with his arm. I gasp in surprise. As do most of us.

Grace is the first to speak up, "I-is that a..." She trails off in total astonishment.

"Yes, Five. This is a Transportation device."

"But there is only one."

"Yes, I made a deal. I borrowed it and once we are finished with Biome training, I must give it back." He seems a little sad about the giving-it-back part.

"Totally awesome." Grace whispers in amazement

He nods in agreement, "Now, step through if you dare." 

Grace is the first to respond. I follow, being careful to make sure it's not a trap. The last thing I hear from the Facility is the voice. I won't be able to contact you through that. You'll be too far away.

I take a breath and step through the gate. I am greeted by the cold harsh wind. The others follow through. And so the trials begin. 


Hey y'all! Sorry, this chapter is short. But good news, I'M ALMOST FINISHED THE FIRST BOOK! Just a few more chapters then book two begins! Right now I'm listening to a soundtrack and I'm just imagining these songs playing during the events of this story. I really want to hear from all of you. I have been wanting to finish this book for awhile and maybe publish it when I'm older. I want to know what you guys think and see if it's worth it.

This week's shoutout goes to PrincessofHalloween !!!! Thank you for showing interest in Battle Scars and I hope you are enjoying it. I appreciate the fact that people feel that I'm doing good as a young writer. Also a shoutout to all of my readers! I love that you are enjoying my book and hope you continue to enjoy my works. Until next time.


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