Chapter 3: learning the basics

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As I leave the store, I look at the stuff the man hade gave me. I decide to visit the librarian later and decide to build a house. I grab the ax the man, which is looking very weak like its been used, and walk up to the closes tree and ready my weapon. As I swing the ax, it makes a whooshing sound and slams into the wood with a loud thwacking sound. After a minute or two a small block of wood pops out and slowly floats of the ground. I look at it and bend down to pick it up.

"Well this is going to be freaking boring," I say to my self"i put the block in my pack and find it very light. After several minutes, I have 45 wooden blocks, 50 saplings, and 5 apples. I take an apple and bite into the watery fruit. After that realize how hungry I was. I take out 2 chickens legs and start munching on them. When I'm finished I look to see that it is sunset. I start to head back when I heard the sound of moaning( not that kind of moaning perverts). I turn around just to become face to face with a zombie. I jump back just as it is about to strike.

"Well from my experiment with the tree, I'm guessing punching randomly will work" I say slightly scared because, you know I've never fought a real zombie before. I wind back a punch and hit the zombie right In the face. It stagers back and regains balance and starts running at me. I jump out of the way and kick it in the back. It falls on his face long enough for me to get my sword out of my pack. As the creature stands, I raise my sword and stab it through the chest. I put the sword and collected rotten flesh in my pack and run back to the village.

"Where's the inn, where's the inn," I ask my self as I run through the main streets. I find a shop called the purple dragon pub and inn. I walk in and ask how much for a room.

"That will be 2 emeralds sir," the clerk lady says cheerfully.

"But I don't have any emeralds. All I've got is wood," I say frantically

"Okay sir I will make a exception this one time and say 15 wooden blocks," she says in a whisper. I thank her and hand her the blocks. She smiles and hands me my key and greets the person behind me. I walk into my room and lay onto my bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

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