Important Author Note M8's

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Alright guys you've all succeeded some of you have legit just bugged me enough that i'm actually gonna update i generally just felt like this was a pile of shit i purely hated it and it makes me cringe but for some of you the reasons it makes me cringe you love so yes im going to update tbh ima starting editing the first chapter as soon as this has posted and when i've finished editing it straight away i shall be writing chapter 2 one thing though i just wanna thank certain peps who said things which like generally made me question if my work is actually terrible because some of you have legit helped give me a lil shove back in to writing and truthfully i've been needing this shove for a few years now so guys i hope you enjoy what and like i would give them shout outs but like one person messaged me and to them im apparently a talented writer and it made me think of all the stories i started writing that people liked that i also just left so yeah thanks all of you for actually liking my lil piece of turd writing 

 and even if i don't currently like my writing i cant just leave it i read stories on here to and i hate when someone does that so i'll keep writing and build up my skills so at one point i can also look  at my work and not hate it cos if i just leave it it's not gonna get better that way

now i know i've rambled on but i'm just really grateful even though half the time i may come across as rude (sorry i really don't mean it i'm just a bitter bitch) I'm just really grateful that you have all pushed me back to writing 

so thank you also for the 58 thousand reads c': i'm fucking shocked like DAYMN 

anyway thats enough talking now i hope you enjoy my story which was assisted by my cat putting her tail on the key-bored and in my face, nicotine, sweet cake fingers and pure irritation oh and a numb foot

Thank you 

P.S I have actually edited the first chapter now so please take a re read over it if you can spare time since a character has been changed plus I've changed just a bit in hopes it sounds better If you do think it has improved please tell me i've only changed it a lil but still it would be nice to know


GUYS I DONE IT FINALLY I RE WROTE THE JEFF SCENE it's probs still crap but i'd really love if you guys would take a re read and gimmie your honest opinion on it i really hope it's an improvement well anyway i'm about to start righting part 2 and it will DEFIANTLY be up before the end of this week you guys excited?

also who do you want me to do next guys? leave me a comment and i'll probs do them next :3 well hope you enjoy this you lovely peps~~  

Creepypasta Seven minuets in heavenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin