Chapter One

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Lafayette's pov:

 My eyes blurred with tears, my so called father got drunk again and hit me, I know someone at school is going to stare and no matter how much I want them to ask me what happened I'd just have to say it was nothing, that I had just ran into a door or fell down the stairs again. I decided I needed some time to think by myself. My father was shouting profanities as I left the house with tears running down my face and a rapidly forming black eye making it almost impossible to open my left eye, I almost fell over my feet several times as I sprinted to the stairs of the one place I felt really safe: The canyon by my house. I climbed onto the small ledge where I kept my favorite books that never failed to make me happy, no matter how shitty my current situation was. I pulled out Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, one of my go to's, and opened it to chapter one.

Hercules's pov: 

I sat studying on the rock ledge in the canyon by my house, we had just moved here a few weeks ago and I still hadn't made any friends yet so right now some time to myself was very needed, the amount of homework this school gave was almost absurd to me. I looked up across the canyon and saw the most beautiful boy in the entire world, he had black curly hair that he had pulled up into a messy bun on the top of his head and was wearing a old and very worn shirt that looked like he had been wearing it for a while without washing it, I couldn't tell what pants or shoes he was wearing but I would bet they weren't very nice. He looked up and I could tell he was embarrassed I was watching him, 'oh god he saw me' I thought to myself, I felt my face flush a deep red and I looked back down at my math.

Lafayette's pov: 

I looked up and noticed a boy staring at me, and he was a very attractive boy mind you, my breath hitched in my throat as I realized he had been staring at me. I quickly grabbed my stuff and got out of there as fast I could, 'oh wow good job there now you're never going to see him again' but deep down I knew I was going to see him again. I walked back to my house and when I walked through the door I could hear soft snoring so I knew I was ok to get some food and a little bit of rest before I had to go to school tomorrow, I walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and went to bed in my bed, listening to a playlist that was on my phone and thinking about the boy I had seen, maybe he went to my school, he lived in the school district I think and I hadn't seen him around at the other school so it was a possibility.

((A/N Hey guys, this is my first real book so if you have any advice or anything just PM me please!))  

word count: 551 words

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