Chapter 2 I guess

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Lafayette's POV:

I woke up to, you guessed it, my father screaming at me! I have a fun life. I managed to climb out of bed and shower without any compilations, it was when I was looking for something decent to wear on the first day of school, that was when my problems began. My father came to make sure I was up and I guess I hadn't realized I had been just throwing clothes onto the floor at random while I was looking for one of the two button up shirts I had. He started yelling and ended up throwing a punch or two while he called me  (homophobic and transgender slurs right here) 'A slut, faggot, and tranny'(slurs are gone) I tried to keep the tears from falling until he left. I ran to the door ad shut and locked it, making sure not to slam it in case he was still upset. I bulled on some boxers and my binder with the blue and white button up shirt I had found paired with some plain blue jeans. I packed a quick lunch and picked up five dollars that was on the counter in case I wanted to eat something besides an apple and a granola bar. I had to sprint to the bus stop on the corner only to watch it drive away. 'Well it could be worse, and walking should give me some time to think to myself' I thought, trying to lighten the mood and starting walking across the bridge that connected the canyon sides. 

Hercules's POV:

"BEEP BEEP BEEP" My alarm clock went off exactly when it needed to, which was definitely too early in my opinion. My mom walked in my room as I was getting dressed in something to wear for my second week of school. My mom had requested that I got an extra week of school so I would know what we would be covering. we had moved to a small town in Oregon and I still hadn't met anyone of interest. 'Well anyone but that boy I saw yesterday' I smiled to myself as I got dressed in a plain shirt and black jeans. "This is going to be good for you I promise!" She tried to cheer me up "I'm sure you'll make some amazing friends and get a wonderful girlfriend!" I don't think she knows I'm gay but oh well "yeah" I mumbled and grabbed ten dollars off my bedside table. "I'm sure it's gonna be great" I mumbled sarcastically and got my books and binder to put into my backpack. I walked to school because I live just outside the bus routes and whatever I have to walk an extra two miles just to get to the hell called school, I walked out of the door and looked around to see if any cars were coming, well I didn't see any cars but I did see something better. I saw the boy from yesterday 'Oh god how do I approach him?' I questioned to myself, I started to walk back to the boy, it was almost comical because I had such a different build then him and was much taller than him, 'Oh no I must look like I want to hurt him!' I was such a mess at this point. I smiled and started to walk next to him, he made no move to walk faster to get away from me and looked almost happy even though I could see the red blotches that happen when you cry and a black eye. I broke the silence by clearing my throat "Ahem, Uh- Hi my name is Hercules  Mulligan" I mumbled and looked at him "what's your name?" He glared at me but smiled softly " My name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette, but you may call me Lafayette or laf" I raised my eyebrow at his accent, it was very french and hard to understand "OK laf" I tried and looked down "I wonder if we have any classes together" I wondered out loud as we near the entrance to the school, I could hear everyone talking inside, I walked inside with Lafayette still by my side as we walked to our lockers, they were three away from each other. I laughed dryly and opened my locker, grabbing my math book and walking to my first class. 

Woop! Part two! I'm home alone so I decided to update! 

Word count: 754 

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